Ireland's Strongest Union On Your Side

Unions deeply troubled by new pensions Bill for uniformed services

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Latest News,Latest News Home | 0 Comments

Trade unions representing Prison Officers, Fire Fighters and the Defence Forces have expressed extreme concern with proposed pension changes.

SIPTU launches new Gender Inclusive Language Toolkit

by | Jun 30, 2024 | General News,Latest News Home,The Sunday Read | 0 Comments

As a Union we stand steadfast in supporting and advocating with our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer members, future members, friends and family.

SIPTU members in RTÉ will oppose attempts to outsource shows to the private sector 

by | Jun 28, 2024 | Latest News,Latest News Home | 0 Comments

SIPTU members employed in RTÉ have committed themselves to opposing any attempt to outsource the national broadcaster to the private sector.

Research reveals productivity gap between Irish domestic economy and European counterparts

by | Jun 27, 2024 | Latest News,Latest News Home | 0 Comments

Ireland’s productivity problem is not an issue which should divide workers and employers. Increasing productivity raises wages while increasing business prosperity.

Sky Handling Partner meets with SIPTU at WRC to discuss union recognition

by | Jun 25, 2024 | Latest News,Latest News Home,SIPTU Bulletin | 0 Comments

The move follows a successful union organising campaign with Sky Handling Partner staff based in Dublin and Shannon. This is a significant development.

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