Union members in the craft grade in Aer Lingus have voted by 66% to 34% to accept a Labour Court recommendation aimed at resolving the pay dispute at the airline in a ballot counted today (Friday, 3rd November) in Dublin Airport. SIPTU Organiser, Neil McGowan, said: “The acceptance of the proposals by workers in the craft grade in Aer Lingus, which includes members of SIPTU, Unite and the TEEU, concludes a 12-month process which involved local negotiations, meetings at the Workplace Relations Commission and ultimately a hearing in the Labour Court. “The result of this ballot is only a first step towards improving union members’ terms and conditions of employment at the airline. Aer Lingus is posting significant profits as a result of restructuring programmes which have been implemented by our members and the sacrifices they have made in terms of reductions to their pension benefits. He added: “It is now time that our members were provided with their fair share of these significant profits.” SIPTU, Unite and the TEEU organise approximately 200 craft grade workers in Aer Lingus.