SIPTU and the Union of Students of Ireland (USI) will this evening (Monday, 31st March) announce an agreement between the two organisations that will provide third level students with support in the workplace. The agreement, which will be formally announced at the USI Conference in Athlone by SIPTU General President, Jack O’Connor, provides for joint actions, mutual support and the development of a closer relationship between the two organisations into the future.Among the initiatives that are being launched as part of the agreement is a SIPTU administrated designated freephone number for use by USI members requiring help in the workplace. The organisations will also jointly run an annual ‘Rights at Work’ campaign.SIPTU General President, Jack O’Connor, said: “This is the renewal of an agreement that we have had in place for over ten years. There is enormous potential for cooperation between USI and SIPTU and the wider trade union movement on the great issues that affect students, workers and society.”