Support Quality Jobs by buying Union-made

Support Quality Jobs by buying Union-made

SIPTU wishes to remind members to always consider purchasing goods from companies which are part of the Union-backed Supporting Quality campaign.   The campaign grants products and services which are produced in unionised workplaces in Ireland the right to indicate...
Skellig Michael workers win earnings battle

Skellig Michael workers win earnings battle

Workers maintaining one of the country’s most breathtaking tourist attractions, the island of Skellig Michael off the County Kerry coast, have successfully fought to have their earnings protected after a SIPTU campaign led to the creation of a new OPW allowance. SIPTU...
SIPTU members win union recognition in Research Ireland

SIPTU members win union recognition in Research Ireland

SIPTU has secured sole collective bargaining rights in Research Ireland following an organising campaign by Union activists in the new agency which funds research and innovation.  The employer had refused to engage with SIPTU representatives despite being a fully...
Progress towards resolution of Castletown House dispute

Progress towards resolution of Castletown House dispute

SIPTU members employed as Groundskeepers and Tour Guides in Castletown House in County Kildare are considering proposals to end a long-running dispute at the Office of Public Works (OPW) run tourist attraction, which has seen them denied vehicle access to their place...