The Bord na Móna (BNM) Group of Unions is seeking a meeting with the company to express the anger of its members concerning the announcement that it intends to close its coal operations around the country. The operations affected are the Lullymore Facilities and BNM Fuel Headquarters in Newbridge, County Kildare as well as a number of coal depots. BNM Group of Unions Secretary and SIPTU Organiser, John Regan, said: “The BNM Group of Unions was provided with no advance notice of the announcement yesterday (Wednesday, 21st March) that the company intends to close coal operations around the country. “Our members are angered with the fact that no engagement took place with their union officials but not surprised by this move by Bord na Móna, as the same approach has been adopted previously. The repeated behaviour of this semi-state employer towards its loyal workforce and their union representatives is completely unacceptable. “At a meeting with management, the BNM Group of Unions will be demanding to know why it was kept in the dark about company plans which have such a severe impact on our members. The BNM Group of Unions should have been fully briefed on the plans that were brought before the company board yesterday which seek a reduction in the number of workers across all BNM coal operations.” He added: “At the meeting we will be seeking to discuss the full implications of this decision in terms of the jobs of more than 45 people the company has stated will be lost.”
BNM unions seek meeting concerning closure of coal depots and other facilities
Mar 22, 2018 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2018