A dispute over pay and conditions in Bord na Móna has been referred to the Labour Court following a break down in negotiations between workers and management at the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) yesterday (Thursday, 20th August). Bord na Móna Group of Unions Secretary and SIPTU Organiser, John Regan, said: “After 20 conciliation meetings at the LRC since February this year it is deeply disappointing that this talks process has broken down without agreement. All eleven issues that are in dispute have now been referred to the Labour Court for a hearing at the earliest possible date.“At the centre of this dispute are attempts by management to unilaterally change conditions of employment, reduce numbers and its failure to honour an outstanding 3.5% pay claim owed to workers.”Unite Official, Ed Thompson, said: “The State industrial relations machinery is being utilised to its full extent in order to find a resolution to this dispute. It is hoped that there will be no unilateral action by management and that normal industrial relations procedures in the company will be adhered to until a resolution can be found.”Bord na Móna management is currently attempting to reduce pay and numbers at the company in order to achieve a cut of €23.3 million in expenditure. These cuts are being sought despite Bord na Móna being a highly profitable company, with €50 million profits declared in its annual financial returns for 2013/2014.