The Group of Unions (GOU) representing Bord na Móna workers has condemned the "double standards" of the semi-state's management after revelations that the company paid a benefit-in-kind tax bill for the €127,000 electric BMW used by the CEO and for his health insurance at a cost of €64,000. The GOU, comprising SIPTU, UNITE and CONNECT, said the CEO's package represented a "sharp contrast" with the company's treatment of workers, who have been denied similar benefit-in-kind arrangements in recent years. The GOU said: "The latest revelations are particularly galling because Bord na Móna has refused to pay the benefit-in-kind on professional membership subscriptions for its employees in recent years. This is a prime example of the double standards that workers face from the company's management. "Numerous Bord na Móna employees have memberships of professional organisations which were considered beneficial to the company. In previous years, the company had funded the cost of these annual subscriptions. "However, in more recent times, Bord na Móna has refused to pay the benefit-in-kind element. This demonstrates a sharp contrast in how the company treats its management and its workers. "When it comes to the just transition and climate change, management's policy appears to be six-figure electric cars for CEOs but unemployment for workers in Derrinlough. As a publicly-supported body, it is vital that Bord na Móna now clarifies whether other individuals in senior management are in receipt of similar lavish arrangements."