Workers in Bord na Móna have voted to accept a Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) proposal on pay and conditions by 60% in favour to 40% against, in a ballot which was counted today (Monday, 15th February). Bord na Móna Group of Unions Secretary and SIPTU Organiser, John Regan, said: “Accepting the proposal provides workers with a lump sum of €1,250, which is expected to be paid out in the coming weeks and a 3% basic pay increase to be delivered when agreed savings have been achieved. Crucially, it also fully protects the existing pay and conditions of union members in Bord na Móna and removes a 30% pay cut claim by management.” TEEU official, Darren Erangey, said: “For the benefits contained in the proposal to come into effect the cost savings programme put forward by the Group of Unions as an alternative to a 30% pay cut must achieve its target of €7.1 million in savings over the lifetime of the agreement.” Unite official, Ed Thompson, said: “In addition as part of this agreement the parties have agreed in the coming weeks to the appointment of an independent chairperson to sit on a Joint Industrial Relations Committee which will assist future negotiations. He added: “This proposal emerged following a year of negotiations between union representatives and management. During this period the talks process was greatly assisted by the WRC. The Bord na Móna Group of Unions negotiating committee wish to acknowledge in particular the role of WRC chairman Brian McGuinn in assisting in the process that led to the emergence of this proposal.”