The Care Workers Union
SIPTU is the union of professional care workers. Our members provide professional care and support from the cradle to the grave. Care work is essential work.
Modern society depends on care work. Workers who deliver our care and support services deserve good quality jobs with proper pay and conditions.
SIPTU believes in a care system which is treated as a public service, one which is delivered within a publicly-accountable framework and one which focuses on providing service, quality, and professionalism — not the pursuit of profit.
Who do we mean when we say professional care workers?
- Nursing home and elder years care workers
- Home care workers
- Health care assistants in our hospitals
- Pre-hospital care workers in our ambulance and emergency services
- Care workers in our mental health services, in intellectual disability services, in physical disability services
- Early Years Educators and Carers
Along with ensuring that the voice of Ireland’s paid care workforce is heard in the national conversation, we advocate for the many workers who balance work and care — and who are too often neglected both by employers and by policymakers.
It’s time we recognised the role of those who care for children, parents, sick, disabled and vulnerable relatives while working full-time or part-time in paid employment.