SIPTU and Forsa members, working as Community Employment (CE) supervisors, met with TDs and Senators in Leinster House this afternoon (Wednesday, 18thApril) to discuss a private members’ motion calling on the Government to implement a Labour Court recommendation to provide them with a pension scheme. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Eddie Mullins said: “CE Supervisors play an invaluable and essential role in the delivery of programmes and schemes which are crucial to the wellbeing of communities throughout the country. They are totally frustrated that an outstanding Labour Court recommendation that calls for the introduction of a pension scheme for them has yet to be implemented. “The patience of our members is wearing very thin. It has been nearly three years since a commitment was given that this outstanding Labour Court recommendation would be resolved. Since then, we have had a change in Government and no real action on this commitment.”He added: “We had a very constructive meeting today with TDs and Senators which was organised by the Fianna Fáil TDs Dara Calleary and Mary Butler. Members of all the Dáil parties, including Fine Gael, Labour and Sinn Féin, as well as several Independents, attended the meeting. It is hoped that the private members’ motion on this issue will receive cross party support and result in the swift resolution of this dispute.”Noel Conway, a CE supervisor in Ardmore Grange United in county Waterford and a SIPTU activist said: “I’ve worked as a CE supervisor for 25 years. The scheme I work for is an environmental scheme which assists with local sports grounds, tidy town projects and similar programmes. It is just very frustrating and annoying that the Government has ignored our position concerning the right to adequate pension provision. We are simply looking for the implementation by the state of a recommendation made by its own Labour Court.”Teresa Collins-Hinchey, a SIPTU activist and a CE supervisor with the Tipperary Community Council, said: “The Government must recognise the voluntary sector which provides crucial services. We want the government to put adequate pension provision in place that respects the work CE supervisors do for communities across the country.”
CE supervisors meet politicians to discuss Dáil motion concerning their pension rights
Apr 18, 2018 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2018