SIPTU members in Resources Facilities Services Ltd, a contract cleaning company, are conducting two one-hour work stoppages at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, today (Monday, 16th December) in protest at the company implementing a cut to workers pay without agreement. SIPTU Organiser, Ed Kenny, said: “Resources Facilities Services Ltd is contracted to provide cleaning services in Beaumont Hospital. On the 10th November the company unilaterally implemented a cut to its employees' Sunday premium pay without agreement. “This action was particularly disappointing given that this group of workers are low paid and have minimum conditions of employment. They have also co-operated on three occasions since 2010 with the company in delivering significant savings and changes to their work practices. These changes, which were achieved through normal industrial relations procedures, have resulted in significant reductions to our members earning potential.” He added: “The workers are requesting the immediate restoration of their Sunday premium pay and that Resources Facilities Services Ltd enters into a meaningful engagement with their union, SIPTU.” The industrial action commenced with the placing of an official SIPTU picket on the entrances to Beaumont Hospital between 9.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. this morning. A further picket is scheduled to take place later today between 5.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. Workers will meet tomorrow (Tuesday, 17th December) morning to discuss an escalation of the industrial action.