The Clerys workers have voiced their support for the decision of Dublin City Council to endorse a number of motions condemning their treatment and extend the protection of the specific use of the store on O’Connell Street, Dublin. SIPTU shop steward, Gerry Markey, was among a number of Clerys staff who sat in the public gallery of Dublin City Council this afternoon (Monday, 29th June) to observe a special meeting of councillors to discuss the closure of Clerys called by the Labour Group. He said: “It was with great satisfaction that I heard the overwhelming support voiced for the Clerys workers by representatives of all shades of political opinion in Dublin City Council. The Council fully endorsed motions calling on the new owners of Clerys, Natrium, to meet with the workers. The councillors also made clear that they will be pursuing this issue in the coming weeks.” SIPTU National Campaigns and Equality Organiser, Ethel Buckley, said: “We are particularly pleased that the Council voted to extend the period of the Special Planning Control Scheme for the O’Connell Street Architectural Conservation Area beyond this September. This is a key issue on which the Clerys workers lobbied councillors. “This Scheme states that Clerys has a ‘special significance’ through its long association with the O’Connell Street area. The Scheme also states that it is established Dublin City Council policy that Clerys ‘particular use’ as a department store must be protected in order to maintain the 'social, cultural, economic and architectural character of the street'.” She added: “We believe it is long past time that Natrium, the new owners of Clerys accept that they can not just ride roughshod over the workers and residents of Dublin. They must accept that they are part of a wider community in Dublin and agree to sit down face to face with the former Clerys employees and worker representatives to discuss the future of this iconic store as has been demanded by the Council and Minister of State at the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Ged Nash.”
Clerys workers support Dublin City Council decision to extend store’s protection
Jun 29, 2015 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2015