The Irish Congress of Trade Unions Biennial Delgate Conference (BDC) opens tomorrow (July 2) in Belfast, where over 700 delegates and observers will debate a range of motions on the economic crisis, the reform of trade union structures, workplace rights and equality. The theme of BDC 2013 is Decent Work, Better Future and the conference runs from July 2-4 in the Assembly Rooms, Belfast. It takes place in the centenary year of the 1913 Lockout. Delegates will debate key motions on the economic crisis that call for “an end to the failed deflationary policies which for five years have depressed domestic demand and prevented growth”, and demand the introduction of a sustained programme of investment to create jobs and for Ireland to sign up to the Financial Transaction Tax. In addition, delegates will debate motions on the restructuring of the trade union movement across the island and on the necessity for Ireland to meet its international legal and human rights obligations by honouring the Government commitment on trade union rights and the right to collective bargaining. The conference will hear from An Tanaiste, Eamon Gilmore TD and the Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister, Martin McGuinness, MLA. In addition delegates will be addressed by Bernadette Segol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, Phililp Jennings of the UNI-Global Union and Len McCluskey, General Secretary of Unite and representing the TUC. A full schedule of motions and conference timetable is available on here