Congress General Secretary, Patricia King, said on Wednesday (30th September) that companies who pay the living wage in the UK must ensure their Irish subsidiaries and branches do likewise and go further by pledging support for the Congress Charter for Fair Conditions at Work. Attending the Living Wage Forum in Dublin Castle – organised by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation – the Congress General Secretary said the Congress Charter campaign represented the best opportunity to "win the Living Wage in Ireland."King said she was reassured to hear UK companies express support for the Living Wage but wondered at "the often open hostility of their Irish branches and subsidiaries that we have experienced, to any notion of decent pay and conditions and the right to trade union representation."She said Congress looked forward to engaging with these companies on support for the provisions of the Charter and also expected to meet with all county councils in relation to this campaign, in the coming weeks.Over 100 TDs and MEPs have already signed in support of the campaign. For more information on the Congress Charter Campaign click here