Workers temporarily transferred to the UK by the construction company, Roadbridge, who lost their jobs when the business went into receivership last year, have won a significant increase in their redundancy payments at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC). SIPTU Workers Rights Centre Sector Organiser, Deirdre Canty, said: “The company had temporarily transferred some of its workers to work abroad. The company went into receivership and these workers were then made redundant without notice on 28th April 2022. They received their redundancy entitlements under UK legislation. However, this amounted to a major shortfall in the monies due to them had these workers been paid redundancy within this State. “At the WRC hearing, SIPTU representatives successfully argued under Section 25 of the Redundancy Payment Act, 1967, that as each worker had worked in Ireland for longer than in the UK that they should have received payment under Irish legislation. One worker had a total service of twenty-nine years and three months, of which ten months were spent in the UK. The shortfall between the redundancy payment he received and what he was entitled to in Ireland was more than €20,000. “A claim for a minimum notice period for the workers was also successful. This resulted in them being awarded up to eight weeks in additional wages.” Canty added: “This is a very significant win for our members and has the potential to have a much broader impact across the industry and on employment rights in general.” SIPTU Sector Organiser, John Regan said: “The members involved have had their cases vindicated in so far as they will receive a top-up on their UK redundancy entitlements to equal what they would have received under Irish legislation. “This is the first time a redundancy payment has been successfully challenged in this way. It is clear evidence of why those working abroad should join SIPTU to ensure they are adequately represented in situations such as these workers found themselves.” Donal Ruane, a former Roadbridge worker who was among the complainants, said: “We found ourselves redeployed to a country outside of Ireland as posted workers but due to being organised into SIPTU were able to ensure our legal rights were vindicated. All workers that have to redeploy to another country should make sure to join the trade union and also get a written contract of employment which protects all your years of service and your established employment rights.”
Construction workers transferred to UK win WRC case for increased redundancy pay
Jan 30, 2023 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2023