Greyhound waste collection workers have been unable to work at the company’s plant in Clondalkin since 6.00 a.m. this morning (Tuesday, 17th June) following an attempt by management to unilaterally implement cuts to their wages and changes to their conditions of employment. SIPTU Organiser, Henry O’Shea, said: “Rather than engage with the union the company has decided to unilaterally implement cuts to the workers' wages of up to 35% and changes to their conditions of employment. Twice today, workers presented themselves for work at the Clondalkin plant under their current terms and conditions of employment and on both occasions management refused them entry." He added: “SIPTU have been in discussions with the management of Greyhound since February in an effort to address attempts to implement severe pay cuts and changes to members terms and conditions of employment. These discussions represent the third time in three years that Greyhound and SIPTU have reached an agreement only for the company to come back within 12 months and seek to renegotiate its terms.”He added: “Having engaged with the company and following three visits to the Labour Relations Commission no agreement could be reached. The dispute was then brought to a Labour Court hearing on Tuesday 24th May.“The company is being disingenuous with it workers by claiming that the Labour Court recommendation supported its proposed pay cuts and changes to conditions of employment. It did not."