Striking Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann workers will lead the Dublin Council of Trade Unions annual May Day march this evening (Friday, 1st May). The march will begin at Parnell Square at 6.30 p.m. and conclude with a rally outside Liberty Hall.The rally will be followed by a ‘Workers’ Festival’ in the Liberty Hall bar. Organised by the SIPTU Dublin District Council (DDC) the festival will include performances of working class ballads and traditional music.SIPTU Dublin District Council chairman, Jack McGinley, said: “For more than a century May Day has been the most important date in the cultural calendar of the international workers’ movement. It is a day when we remember the victories of the past that have established a degree of fairness in society and assisted in the development of economies that serve the needs of society.”Leading the SIPTU contingent will be historic banners created for the ITGWU by Dublin banner artist Jer O’Leary. The banners feature images of trade union leaders including Jim Larkin and James Connolly as well as images of the 1913 Lockout.Along with colourful trade union delegations activists from the Spectacle of Defiance, Right2Water and We’re Not Leaving groups will also participate.Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann workers are on strike as part of campaign of industrial action aimed at protecting decent jobs and the public transport system.