Over 500 firefighters marched through the streets of Dublin on Monday (7th April) to highlight the threat to the DFB Ambulance service and demand that it is retained. The DFB Pipe Band led the march from Tara Street Fire Station to the City Hall in Dame Street. Addressing the firefighters and their supporters outside City Hall, SIPTU Vice-President, Patricia King, said that “on foot of the extraordinary campaign” by DFB workers, Dublin City Council was delaying the completion of a review of the ambulance service in the city until a HSE National Ambulance Service capacity review is complete. She added: “That, colleagues, is no doubt on foot of listening to yourselves and listening to the message you have given loudly.” However, Patricia King warned, that this was “only part of the battle” and that there was “no doubt Dublin Fire Brigade is under threat”. Fine Gael Councillor Gerry Breen pledged his party’s support for the ambulance service, saying: “Not on our watch is this service going to be interfered with.” Labour Councillor Dermot Lacey said his party “100 per cent supports DFB and will be with you all the way”.