Greyhound Recycling and Recovery workers who were hailed as heroes for saving a homeless man from being crushed in a refuse collection truck have written to the company requesting that their names and pictures be removed from its website. In February this year, Fintan Reilly, Jonathan Green and Daniel McMahon, rushed to save a homeless man from being crushed to death after they heard shouts in the back of their truck after emptying a large recycling bin into it while collecting refuse in the north inner-city of Dublin. Fintan said: “The management of Greyhound did everything it could to publicise the fact that we saved a man from being killed. We were instructed by the company to give numerous media interviews and even given brand new safety uniforms to wear for photographs. Only a few months later the same management demanded that we take a 35% pay cut and locked us out of our jobs,”. Fintan, Jonathan and Daniel are now asking that the company to remove the references to their actions from its website. Daniel said: “We wrote to the company today (Friday, 1st August) asking them to remove the references and links to newspaper reports of the incident in February from the company website. We feel that the company should not be allowed to use our actions to try and present a caring image to the public when it has shown no respect for us and the job that we do". Jonathan added:“I’ve been on the picket line since we were locked out of our jobs and will stay there until the company sees sense and allows us to return to our work on our existing terms of employment so that negotiations can get underway.” The workers have been locked out at the waste disposal company since 17th June. Management at the company is attempting to force workers to accept wage cuts of up to 35% and has employed strikebreakers to carry out waste collections during the dispute. SIPTU has 78 members in the company which has a contract to collect household waste for Dublin City Council.
Hero binmen call on Greyhound to stop using their names to publicise company
Aug 1, 2014 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2014