The implementation of the Water Services Framework is ongoing with members currently considering their options regarding staying with their Local Authority or transferring voluntarily to Uisce Éireann, in both cases they retain their protected earnings, in particular, regular/rostered overtime/allowances.
Discussions are ongoing at local level across the Local Authorities where our members are clarifying their protected earnings and making decisions regarding their preferred option.
In addition, the Union has secured a further option for members who may wish to transfer to Uisce Éireann as a Senior Water Operative. This option does not change any element of the Water Services Framework. The details of the new Senior Water Operative are summarised as follows:
- There will be circa 400 Senior Water Operative roles (Uisce Éireann Grade F) nationally.
- Those roles will be filled through a time-bound confined process, details of which are to be finalised.
- Local Authority Caretakers who transfer to those roles will receive a 10% increase in their basic rate.
- The current Local Authority Caretaker Weekend and On Call Allowances will be replaced by a new €220 weekly On Call Allowance (existing pensionable element to be continued).
- The eating on-site money will be replaced with a tax-free €4.99 to be paid every day
- Uisce Éireann will move to a week on/off roster operated by a ‘buddy system’ working an 11/14 schedule. Uisce Éireann Operatives will initially receive the €220 on a weekly basis until the ‘buddy system’ is in place after which it will be paid fortnightly.
- Uisce Éireann Water Operatives will start and finish work from their homes at normal start and finish times and will work in their local area.
- Uisce Éireann are currently in discussions with the Union on updating their contracts and are willing to include a ‘no compulsory redundancy’ clause like the one included in the Public Service Agreement.
- Uisce Éireann will also remove the clause regarding nationwide travel from Uisce Éireann
- If exercising this option, the €3,000 transfer payment will be paid.