SIPTU members and officials and the management of Greyhound Recovery and Recycling are engaged in intensive negotiations aimed at reaching an agreed resolution to the 13 week long lockout of workers by the waste disposal company. The talks began yesterday (Tuesday, 9th September) following the company’s agreement to enter into “meaningful talks” and a decision by the workers to lift a blockade of the Greyhound depot in Crag Avenue, Dublin 15.The move to negotiations came during a High Court hearing at which nine workers and South Dublin County Councillor, Gino Kenny, faced possible imprisonment due to an application by the management of Greyhound to enforce an injunction against them for blocking trucks at the company’s Crag Avenue Depot. Dramatically, during an adjournment of the case, the company agreed to enter into “meaningful negotiations” with the union.On that basis, Justice Bronagh O’Hanlon agreed to adjourn the hearing for one week.The Greyhound workers have been locked out at the west Dublin based waste disposal company since 17th June. Management at the company is attempting to force workers to accept wage cuts of up to 35% and has employed strikebreakers to carry out waste collections during the dispute. SIPTU has 80 members in the company which has a contract to collect household waste for Dublin City Council.