The General Secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, David Begg welcomed the President and delegates of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to Dublin for their World Congress, which runs from 4th – 7th June. In a message to IFJ leader Beth Costa, Begg said Congress saluted the IFJ’s “strong stance in defence of journalists and journalists, reflected in the World Congress theme: Leading the Global Fight Back, Defending Jobs, Rights and Journalism. “In the centenary of the 1913 Lockout – a strike directly linked to the battle between a media baron and the labour movement – it is fitting that you gather in this historic city to reflect on the precarious situation of journalists across the globe and to debate the issues of media freedom and the threats to the profession of journalism. “We wish delegates well in your deliberations and hope that you enjoy your visit to Dublin. The National Union of Journalists is a valued affiliate of Congress and we know Irish members will endeavour to make your visit to Ireland a rewarding experience,” Begg said.