The rallies against bank debt and austerity are going ahead as planned despite last night’s emergency legislation. The limited deal being reported today might ease Ireland’s repayments in the short term but it will not reduce the huge level of European bank debt that the Irish people – and their children and grandchildren – have to pay. The European banking crisis has so far cost each individual in Ireland nearly €9,000. The average amount per person in the rest of the EU is €192. While the proposal put to the European Central Bank appears to spread the cost of the Promissory Note over a longer period the key fact remains that 1.8 million working people in Ireland cannot possibly sustain a bank debt burden of €64 billion. SIPTU is urging all its members to attend the rallies in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Sligo and Waterford. Now – more than ever – we need to send a strong message to the banks, the Government and the European elite – LIFT THE BURDEN: JOBS NOT DEBT!