SIPTU members in Stryker, Carrigtwohill, county Cork yesterday (Monday, 21st October) had their claim for trade union recognition endorsed by the Labour Court. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Alan O’Leary, said: “The workers at Stryker have been very patient, working with SIPTU representatives over many months to seek direct and meaningful engagement with management. Finally that work has paid off and our members’ claim for representation has been vindicated by the Labour Court. “While the company say they respect the constitutional right of workers to join a trade union, their actions over the last number of months tell a different story. They refused to meet and sit down with union representatives to resolve our members genuine and legitimate issues. “In its recommendations (LCR22112, LCR22113) the Labour Court went further to specifically recommend that Stryker management should enter into negotiations with SIPTU with a view to concluding a collective agreement that covers procedural arrangements within which normal industrial relations business can be conducted. This essentially means that our members now have a voice at the negotiating table and that serious issues such as improving health and safety standards at both the Tullagreen and Springhill, county Cork plants can be addressed.” He added: “We urge Stryker management to now move quickly to accept the recommendations and respect the Labour Court.  SIPTU representatives are ready, willing and able to engage in good faith with management immediately so that our members dignity at work and duty of care issues can be discussed and resolved without any delay.”