SIPTU members at Liebherr Container Cranes, Killarney, are undertaking a one-day work stoppage on Wednesday, 27th November, due to the company’s failure to honour a pay claim that was due to them since 2009. SIPTU Organiser, Marie Kearney, said: “The pay claim is owed to the workers under the national partnership agreement T2016 and should have been paid in January 2009.“However, following two Labour Court hearings, Labour Relations Commission chaired talks and a facilitation process, no resolution to the dispute has been achieved. In light of this failure to reach agreement the workers felt they had no option but to ballot for industrial action.”She added: “Notice of industrial action was served on the company 14 days ago. Following this the workers have implemented a ban on overtime. The workers will consider what further action to take in the coming days if the company continues to refuse to enter meaningful negotiations on the outstanding issues.”A picket was placed on the plant at 7.00 a.m. this morning and will conclude at 5.00 p.m.