SIPTU members in Greyhound Recycling and Recovery will continue their peaceful picket of the company’s depots in Crag Avenue, Dublin 22, and Knockmitten Lane, Dublin 12, tomorrow (Friday, 15th August). SIPTU Greyhound Shop Steward, Jesse Hughes, said: “Rather than pursuing costly legal actions the Buckley brothers, who own Greyhound, would be much better served allowing the workers to get on with their jobs while a solution to this dispute is negotiated.“We wish to return to work while talks progress on any possible changes to our agreed terms and conditions of employment. However, the management of Greyhound Recycling and Recovery has repeatedly refused to allow us to carry out our duties collecting refuse from the residents of Dublin”.Jesse Hughes added: “My colleagues and I do not earn large amounts of money to carry out the essential task of collecting domestic refuse in Dublin. Greyhound operatives earn between €9.50 and €11.45 per hour. Drivers earn €15.66 an hour. It is these wages that the company is seeking to cut by up to 35%”.SIPTU Organiser, Stephen Lewis, said: “The company is refusing to allow the workers to carry out their jobs. Rather than serve the people of Dublin, they instead have no choice but to continue to conduct a peaceful and legal picket of the Greyhound depots”.The Greyhound workers have been locked out at the waste disposal company since 17th June. Management at the company is attempting to force workers to accept wage cuts of up to 35% and has employed strikebreakers to carry out waste collections during the dispute. SIPTU has 80 members in the company which has a contract to collect household waste for Dublin City Council.