Luas drivers and revenue protection grades at Transdev have overwhelmingly rejected proposals on pay and productivity brokered at the Workplace Relations Commission. The drivers ballot rejected the proposals by almost 100%. The other grades voted by 100% to reject the WRC proposals. SIPTU Divisional Organiser, Owen Reidy said: “It seems quite clear that there is a complete breakdown in the relationship and trust between the driver grade and management at the company. Some feedback from members in the driver grade as to why they have rejected the proposals are as follows: Drivers did not want to accept a new pay scale that leaves new entrants on lower pay than current staff. Drivers are of the view that the productivity sought in the proposal was disproportionate and vague in the case of the Luas extension. Drivers also expressed concern that they did not trust how management would implement such productivity measures. While it had been expected that the Revenue Protection Officers and Revenue Protection Supervisors might have accepted the proposals the feedback from those grades is that they were rejected as a result of a different interpretation management, on the eve of the ballot, had regarding the implementation of their bonus scheme. We accept the democratic decision of our members. We have always stated that notified industrial action will proceed unless an agreement is reached and that remains the case. We do remain available for discussions with the employer.”