The Union has continued to pursue pay claims for members in Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) including a sizable pay improvement which was accepted by members in one charity in a ballot in late April.
SIPTU Organiser, Karen Smollen, said: “This pay increase followed a negotiation process which began in early 2024 when a 15% pay claim was lodged with the NGO’s management.
“The level of this pay claim was arrived at following an analysis of how far behind the pay of the NGO’s staff had fallen in recent years when compared to workers carrying out similar roles in the public and private sectors. This analysis was carried out by SIPTU Researcher Michael Taft.”
After negotiations at a local level, management increased its offer to 3.25% and the Living Wage (€14.80) plus a 15% increase for those in the lowest pay band. The NGO claimed it could not meet our members’ pay claim in full on the basis that it cannot be assured of continuous income from charitable donations. The revised offer was accepted.