SIPTU members have welcomed the lifting of a High Court injunction which has delayed the implementation of the Contract Security Industry Employment Regulation Order (ERO) since 24th August 2022. SIPTU Contract Services Sector Organiser, Ed Kenny, said: "Our Contract Security members are extremely pleased that this injunction was struck out by the High Court on Friday (28th July). This was the second injunction secured by the same three employers, Top Security, Morbury Limited, and LAS Security Limited. which has denied low paid security workers a pay increase. These workers have not received any pay increases since June 2019. This is a highly regulated industry where all workers are required to be trained and licenced by legislation. The injunction has caused difficulties for our members, particularly at this time of soaring prices." SIPTU Services Divisional Organiser, Teresa Hannick, said: "The senseless delay caused by these employers was a slap in the face for workers who have been on the frontlines throughout the pandemic. It is difficult to understand what these employers hoped to achieve by pursuing these injunctions other than to deprive workers of a well-deserved pay increase. The reality is that this ERO was agreed upon between employers and union representatives before being ratified by the Labour Court. It was a long and at times challenging process in which the three employers who secured the injunction fully participated. These court injunctions were wrong and grossly unfair to workers." She added: "We are calling on the Minister of State for Business, Employment, and Retail, Dara Calleary, who has responsibility for the implementation of EROs, to move immediately to sign the ERO. Our members expect immediate and effective action to ensure they receive their long awaited and much deserved pay rise and other improvements in conditions due under the terms of the ERO."