The director of Ireland’s leading progressive think tank has called for solidarity with the new Greek government and serious consideration of its proposals for restructuring Eurozone debt. Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI) director, Tom Healy, said: “The humanitarian crisis that has hit Greece in recent years is the result of a mix of factors; poor domestic policies and poor European-wide policies. Much of the ‘adjustment’ has been on those least able to bear the brunt of austerity in Greece while privileged sectors and individuals have continued to avoid paying their fair share of tax.” He added: “It will not benefit economic prosperity or social cohesion in any part of Europe to continue to impose such burdens, unjustly and unwisely, on nations such as Greece. It is time for European solidarity – not just Greek or Irish."In a blog published today, Tom Healy, outlines one restructuring proposal part authored by Dimitris Sotiropoulos, who visited Dublin last weekend as part of a Syriza delegation.The proposal includes a five year suspension of debt and interest payments and indicates that a “critical parameter” for it's success is “the mobilisation of labour and not the technical sophistication of an abstract solution.”To read Tom Healy’s blog – click here