The minimum rates of pay for Educators, Lead Educators, Deputy Managers and Managers working in Early Years and School Age Childcare are finally set to increase following protracted talks with employer representatives.  

The current minimum rates will increase by approximately 5% and will become legally enforceable from Monday, 24th June, 2024

The new ERO hourly pay rates effective from Monday, 24th June, 2024 are:



Lead Educator


Graduate Lead Educator


Deputy Manager


Centre Manager


Graduate Manager


In addition, the requirement for three years paid experience for Lead Educators and Managers to become eligible for the Graduate rate of pay is removed.

While this pay increase is welcome, it does not go far enough to recognise and reward the critical role Educators and Managers play in children’s development. 

Remember, these rates are the minimum employers are obliged to pay, individual employers can pay over and above these rates, if they are financially able to do so. 

Listen back to SIPTU Head of Organising Darragh O’Connor on the RTE News at One here

To hear National Committee member, Julie O’Regan Lynch click here

And to listen back to SIPTU Sector Organiser, Diane Jackson click here