News Archive
SIPTU demands clarification from Department on withholding of funds for Section 39 workers’ pay claim
SIPTU representatives have today (Monday, 22nd January) demanded that the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) clarify whether its officials gave a formal instruction which resulted in the Health Service Executive (HSE) holding off on submitting a...
BNM Group of Unions members in Littleton Plant to vote on redundancy proposal
Members of the Bord na Móna (BNM) Group of Unions in the company’s peat briquette production facility in Littleton, County Tipperary, will vote in a ballot, to be held within the next two weeks, on proposed redundancy terms which...
SIPTU welcomes cross party support for pay justice for Section 39 workers
SIPTU representatives have today (Wednesday, 17th January) welcomed cross party support for a Dáil motion calling for the restoration of pay for Section 39 workers. SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul Bell, said: “SIPTU’s...
Dáil to debate motion to restore the pay of Section 39 workers
SIPTU representatives have today (Tuesday, 16th January) urged all political parties to support a Dáil motion to be debated tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday, 17th January) supporting the restoration of pay for thousands of Section 39 workers. SIPTU...
SIPTU calls for HIQA investigation into impact of emergency department crisis
SIPTU representatives have today (Monday, 15th January) called on the Government to instruct the Health, Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) to conduct an investigation into the impact of the crisis in hospital emergency departments on patient and...
SIPTU train drivers reject Labour Court recommendation
SIPTU members employed as train drivers in Irish Rail have voted by 83% to 17% to reject a Labour Court recommendation concerning pay and productivity measures at the public transport company, in a ballot counted today (Wednesday, 10th, January) in...
SIPTU calls on Government ministers to resolve Section 39 pay dispute
The call follows discussions between union representatives and the Health Service Executive (HSE) at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC). Following the talks involving SIPTU, IMPACT and UNITE, the HSE formally agreed to provide funds for Section 39...
SIPTU calls for more home care funding to help alleviate emergency department crisis
SIPTU representatives have today (Friday, 5th January) called for greater funding for home help packages and home care services as part of the solution to the overcrowding crisis in emergency departments in hospitals across the country. SIPTU Health Division...
SIPTU calls for review of all expenditure on non-core activities by Irish Rail
SIPTU representatives have today (Wednesday, 3rd January) called for a review of expenditure on all non-core activities by Irish Rail following criticism by the chairman of the company of its sponsorship of a fishing competition in Northern Ireland. SIPTU...
SIPTU seeks meeting with Minister for Health to clarify his priorities for 2018
SIPTU representatives have today (Tuesday, 2nd January) written to the Minister for Health, Simon Harris, seeking a meeting and clarification in relation to a tweet sent by the Minister last Saturday (30th December), in which he set out his...
SIPTU says strike action likely as Section 39 workers’ pay falls further behind colleagues
SIPTU representatives have today (Thursday, 28th December) warned that thousands of workers employed by Section 39 organisations providing vital care services will strike in February unless the Government adequately deals with their rightful demand for pay...
SIPTU criticises Section 39 employers of inaction over pay dispute
SIPTU representatives have today (Friday, 15th December) criticised Section 39 employers of inaction while their respective organisations are hurtling towards national strike action in January. SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul Bell, said:...
Gene Mealy retires as SIPTU Vice-President
Gene Mealy has today (Thursday, 14th December) retired from his position as SIPTU Vice President, following a meeting of the union’s National Executive Council. Following the meeting, the outgoing SIPTU Vice President thanked the many SIPTU...
International Transport Federation welcome positive step towards ending exploitation on Irish trawlers
International Transport Federation representatives have today (Thursday, 14th, December) welcomed the publication of a Joint Oireachtas Report aimed at halting the exploitation of migrant fishermen working on Irish trawlers. The International Transport...
Jack O’Connor steps down as SIPTU President
Jack O’Connor will step down from his role as SIPTU General President today (Thursday, 14th December) following a meeting of the Union’s National Executive Council. He has served three consecutive 6-year terms as a National Executive Officer,...
SIPTU welcomes support of the Taoiseach for the future of RTÉ Orchestras
SIPTU and Musicians’ Union of Ireland (MUI) representatives have welcomed the support expressed yesterday (Tuesday, 12th December) by Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, for the future of the RTÉ orchestras and his call for the Ministers involved...
SIPTU to meet Yves Rocher management following Cork plant closure announcement
SIPTU representatives are seeking an urgent meeting with the management of Yves Rocher following its announcement last Thursday (7th December) that it intends to close its plant in the Kilbarry Industrial Estate, Cork city, at the end of 2018. SIPTU...
SIPTU firefighters express extreme concern over the lack of aerial appliances
SIPTU members in the Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) have expressed extreme concern over the lack of aerial appliances, with only two of the vehicle mounted long ladders available for dispatch in the city and county today (Friday, 8th December), a third...
SIPTU urges AbbVie to engage in talks to avoid an escalation in dispute
SIPTU members have urged the management of the AbbVie Plant in Carrigtwohill, county Cork, to engage in talks in order to avoid an escalation of the industrial dispute at the company concerning their right to union representation. Workers are currently...
SIPTU members in Irish Rail vote to accept Labour Court proposals on pay
SIPTU members in Irish Rail have voted by 75% to 25% to accept a Labour Court recommendation on pay aimed at resolving the dispute at the public transport company, in a ballot counted today (Friday, 8th December) in Liberty Hall, Dublin. The...
SIPTU says proposed new working hours legalisation needs to be improved
SIPTU representatives have stated that the publication today (Thursday, 7th December) of the Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 is a step in the right direction but that the proposed legislation requires further amendment in order to provide...
SIPTU condemns Government plan to top up salary of Sláintecare chief
SIPTU representatives have today (Thursday, 7th December) condemned a Government plan to break from public sector pay norms and ‘top up’ the salary of the official charged with implementing the Sláintecare healthcare reform plan. SIPTU Health...
SIPTU says proposed public sector retirement changes do not deal with all issues
SIPTU has stated that a Government proposal to allow public sector workers to volunteer to continue in their jobs until 70 years of age only deals with one aspect of the problems associated with the increase in the statutory retirement age. SIPTU Deputy General...
SIPTU to ballot members in Section 39 organisations on strike action
SIPTU members working in a range of Section 39 organisations, providing health and social care services, will be balloted next week for all-out strike action in a dispute concerning equal pay. SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul Bell, said:...
SIPTU members in ambulance service to conduct industrial action in Letterkenny
SIPTU members in the National Ambulance Service based in Letterkenny, county Donegal, will commence a campaign of industrial action on Saturday, 9th December, at 1.00 a.m. due to a management failure to implement a Rights Commissioner...
SIPTU members conducting 36-hour work stoppage at AbbVie plant in county Cork
SIPTU members are conducting a 36-hour work stoppage at the AbbVie pharmaceutical plant in Carrigtwohill, county Cork. The industrial action commenced yesterday (Wednesday, 22nd November) at 7.00 p.m. and will conclude tomorrow (Friday, 24th...
SIPTU members demand immediate action to build a fairer Europe for all
SIPTU members and activists joined with trade unionists from across Europe in Gothenburg, Sweden, on Thursday (16th November) for an EU summit to discuss the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) demand for the enhancement of the social rights of...
SIPTU welcomes award of bus services in Waterford City to Bus Éireann
SIPTU has welcomed the announcement by the National Transport Agency (NTA) that Bus Éireann has been awarded the contract to run services in Waterford City following a tendering process. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Willie Noone, said: “Our members...
SIPTU to attend Labour Court to protect Pfizer DB pension scheme
SIPTU confirmed today that the union will attend a full hearing of the Labour Court this Friday (17th November) in order to defend the defined pension scheme of 350 union members. defined These workers are employed in the Ringaskiddy and Little Island plants in Cork....
SIPTU members begin industrial action in AbbVie Plant in county Cork
SIPTU members in the Abbvie Plant in Carrigtwohill, county Cork, began a 36-hour work stoppage this morning (Tuesday, 14th November) at 7.00 a.m. The industrial action results from the refusal of management to implement a Labour Court recommendation...
Liberty Hall hosts major debate on Lessons of the Russian Revolution on Friday
The Lessons of the Russian Revolution will be the focus of a lecture and debate, which will include Irish and international experts on the subject, in Liberty Hall, Dublin, on Friday, 17th November, starting at 7.00 p.m....
Irish Rail workers to ballot on Labour Court recommendation
Trade union members in Irish Rail will vote on a Labour Court recommendation aimed at resolving the dispute at the public transport company. The decision to ballot workers was taken at a meeting of representatives of the Irish Rail Trade Union Group in Liberty...
SIPTU members employed by McCurrach Ltd to take industrial action
SIPTU members employed as in-field sales representatives by McCurrach Ltd will commence industrial action on Thursday, 16th November, in response to the company refusing to attend the Labour Court in relation to a pay claim. SIPTU Organiser, Colm...
Irish Equity calls on Minister to go further to combat sexual harassment and bullying
Irish Equity has criticised, as not going far enough, the announcement by Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys, that board members and senior staff in arts organisations are to take part in special workshops...
SIPTU and MUI express concern over proposed review of RTÉ orchestras
SIPTU and the Musicians Union of Ireland (MUI) have warned the management of RTÉ that it could face significant opposition concerning a review it has commissioned in relation to the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra (RTÉ NSO) and the RTÉ...
SIPTU members welcome Minister’s commitment to end pay injustice for Section 39 workers
SIPTU members employed in Section 39 organisations met with the Minister of State with Responsibilities for Disability Issues, Finian McGrath, yesterday (Thursday, 8th November), to request that the Government commits to providing them with pay...
SIPTU representatives to attend Labour Court hearing on Irish Rail dispute tomorrow
SIPTU representatives are to attend discussions at the Labour Court tomorrow (Thursday, 9th November) in relation to the ongoing dispute at Irish Rail. SIPTU Transport Division Organiser, Greg Ennis, said: “SIPTU representatives have been...
Bord na Móna transport workers vote for all-out strike against outsourcing threat
Workers in the transport section of Bord na Móna unanimously voted to take all-out strike action in opposition to an attempt by management to outsource their jobs to a private contractor at a general meeting held in the SIPTU Offices in Tullamore, county...
SIPTU calls on Irish Rail CEO to seek solutions rather issue threats
SIPTU representatives have called on the management of Irish Rail to desist from issuing letters to workers which could be perceived as threatening their livelihoods and instead enter into negotiations aimed at resolving the dispute at the public transport company....
SIPTU calls on Boston Scientific in Clonmel to accept Labour Court recommendation
SIPTU representatives have called on management in the Boston Scientific Plant in Clonmel, county Tipperary, to accept a Labour Court recommendation recognising the right of workers in the medical devices manufacturing facility to trade union...
SIPTU says Irish Rail stoppage regrettable but inevitable due to management inaction
SIPTU representatives have stated that the 24-hour work stoppage by Irish Rail workers which will begin at 00.01 a.m. tomorrow (Tuesday, 7th November) is the regrettable result of a failure by management and the Government to seek a just resolution to the...
SIPTU says collective bargaining is crucial to closing the gender pay gap
SIPTU has published a list of key recommendations on how to minimalise differences in pay between men and women in Ireland, as part of the union’s recognition of European Gender Pay Gap Day which is being marked today (Friday, 3rd November). SIPTU...
SIPTU firefighters renew demand for fire assessments of public and rental properties
SIPTU firefighters have renewed their demand for fire assessments in all properties following the extent of the risks in some buildings being highlighted once again in a documentary broadcast on RTE last night (Thursday, 3rd November). SIPTU Sector...
Aer Lingus craft workers accept Labour Court recommendation concerning pay
Union members in the craft grade in Aer Lingus have voted by 66% to 34% to accept a Labour Court recommendation aimed at resolving the pay dispute at the airline in a ballot counted today (Friday, 3rd November) in Dublin Airport. SIPTU Organiser, Neil...
SIPTU calls on Ross to end publicity stunts and focus on the future of Irish Rail
SIPTU has called on Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross, to end his focus on publicity stunts, such as his latest claim to be interested in solving the confrontation between North Korea and the US and instead focus on ending...
SIPTU members serve notice of industrial action in AbbVie Ltd in county Cork
SIPTU members have served notice today (Thursday, 2nd November) of industrial action involving five work stoppages at the AbbVie Ltd Plant in the IDA Industrial Estate, Carrigtwohill, county Cork. The industrial action involves three 36-hour work...
SIPTU calls on Minister to initiate a process for resolving Irish Rail dispute
SIPTU has called on the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross, to immediately initiate a process aimed at resolving the dispute at Irish Rail in order to ensure a solution is in place before a second 24-hour work stoppage by staff...
RTÉ unions call for implementation of Gender Pay Review recommendations
The RTÉ Trade Union Group (TUG) has called on management to implement the recommendations of the Gender Pay Review of the station by Kieran Mulvey, which was published today (Wednesday, 1st November). The TUG Executive will review the comprehensive...
SIPTU firefighters highlight urgent need for more aerial appliances in Dublin
SIPTU members in the Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) have highlighted the urgent need to purchase new aerial appliances, with only one of the vehicle mounted long ladders available for dispatch in the city today (Wednesday, 1st November), only a third of...
SIPTU members to strike at Inishowen Oil Company in Carndonagh on Wednesday
SIPTU members employed as drivers by the Inishowen Oil Company Ltd, Carndonagh, county Donegal, will begin an all-out strike at 8.30 a.m. on Wednesday (1st November) in response to their employer’s refusal to accept an invitation by the...
St Cronan’s Senior National School cleaners reach agreement that ends dispute
Three SIPTU members, who worked as school cleaners, have reached an agreement which ends a dispute over the loss of their jobs at St Cronan’s Senior National School, Brackenstown, in Swords, County Dublin. The dispute was settled...
SIPTU members demand clarity over the reopening of Loretto Day Centre in Navan
SIPTU representatives have demanded confirmation in writing from the Health Service Executive (HSE) concerning the re-opening of Loretto Day Centre in Navan, county Meath, following a meeting, today (Monday, 23rd October), between...
SIPTU members in Irish Rail announce five days of all out-strike action
SIPTU members in Irish Rail have announced five dates of 24-hour all out-strike action starting on Wednesday, 1st November following a refusal by management at the State transport company to address a reasonable pay claim by staff. The four further 24-hour work...
SIPTU members in Irish Rail vote overwhelmingly in favour of industrial action
SIPTU members in Irish Rail have voted overwhelmingly in favour of industrial action in a dispute which results from a refusal by management at the State transport company to accept a reasonable pay claim by staff. SIPTU members voted by 84% in favour of industrial...
Irish Rail talks at WRC collapse
The Irish Rail trade union group said: “Despite the best efforts of the WRC, Irish Rail senior management have once again demonstrated their total disdain for their own staff and those that rely on Irish Rail services. We have spent the last twelve hours...
SIPTU Global Solidarity Committee welcome release of Ibrahim Halawa
The SIPTU Global Solidarity Committee has welcomed the release from prison in Egypt last night (Thursday, 19th October) of Ibrahim Halawa and looks forward to his arrival home in Ireland. SIPTU National Campaigns and Equality Organiser, Karan O...
SIPTU meets NUI Galway business students to discuss importance of trade unions
A SIPTU Organiser addressed students from the Cairnes School of Business in NUI Galway, on the importance of trade unions in the modern workplace at a meeting held in the university on Thursday, 12th October. The event was organised by NUI Galway...
Budget 2018 Fails to address Family Resource Centres crisis
Budget 2018 has failed to address the long-term crisis in funding for Family Resource Centres (FRC) which are struggling to provide frontline services and cope with increased overheads, according to the SIPTU National FRC Committee. There are 109 FRCs providing...
SIPTU says enacting of SEO is important first step for construction workers
SIPTU representatives have welcomed the enacting of a Sectoral Employment Order (SEO), today (Thursday, 19th October,) which sets minimum rates of pay in the construction industry as an “important first step” for workers in securing...
Brookfield Youth and Community Centre sit-in ends in agreement with South Dublin County Council
Four SIPTU members ended an 18-day sit-in at the the Brookfield Youth and Community Centre in Tallaght, county Dublin, last night (Wednesday, 18th October) after an intervention by South Dublin County Council (SDCC) to confirm that it will seek to...
SIPTU demands answers from Health Service Executive over storm preparations
SIPTU representatives have today (Wednesday, 18th October) written to management in the Health Service Executive (HSE) to clarify why Home Care workers were expected to remain working on Monday (16th October) after HSE offices were shut at midday due to the...
SIPTU contacts Charleville Credit Union liquidator seeking payment for workers
SIPTU has contacted the provisional liquidator of Charleville Credit Union, Charleville, County Cork, seeking a commitment that all entitlements due to its members will be promptly paid following the granting of a High Court application to wind up...
SIPTU calls for overhaul of State pension system to end discrimination against women
SIPTU representatives have reiterated their call for a major overhaul of the State pension system to end discrimination against workers who have breaks in their careers, mainly women, ahead of a Dáil debate on the issue this evening...
SIPTU to attend WRC to discuss Irish Rail dispute on Thursday
SIPTU has accepted an invitation to attend a meeting of the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) to discuss a pay claim by staff at Irish Rail on Thursday (19th October). SIPTU Organiser, Paul Cullen, said: “Our members are mindful of the position of...
SIPTU commends work of members assisting the public during storm Ophelia
SIPTU has commended its members in the local authorities, fire, ambulance and emergency services and the Office of Public Works (OPW) for their courageous service to the public in relation to dealing with the lead up to and impact of storm Ophelia. SIPTU...
SIPTU says employment minister is wrong in her claims about Bus Éireann services
SIPTU has stated that Minister for Employment and Social Protection, Regina Doherty, is wrong to suggest in a post published on her Facebook page, yesterday (Thursday, 12th October), that “an unofficial labour dispute is in...
Irish Equity will support members in confronting sexual assault and harassment
Irish Equity has assured members that the union will support them should they have any concerns regarding their treatment in the workplace, following the recent media coverage of sexual assault and harassment in the film industry. Irish Equity Organiser,...
SIPTU says Budget exposes flaws of Early Years funding
SIPTU members have welcomed aspects of Budget 2018 for the Early Years sector, including a 7% increase in ECCE capitation and its extension to two years. However, the fundamental problems of the current Early Years funding system remain. SIPTU Sector...
SIPTU President describes Budget as morally indefensible
SIPTU President, Jack O’Connor has said that Budget 2018 is “a slick piece of political presentation but is morally indefensible.” He said: “In the midst of a housing and homeless crisis the government has chosen to deploy €335...
SIPTU members reject call for reduction in minimum childcare qualifications
SIPTU has condemned a call by a new independent childcare providers’ organisation, ‘Seas Suas’, for a temporary derogation that would allow up to 25% of staff in Early Years facilities to work without any qualifications. ‘Seas...
SIPTU Deputy General Secretary visits Brookfield Youth and Community Centre
The incoming SIPTU Deputy General Secretary for the Public Sector, John King, has renewed his union’s call for South Dublin County Council to intervene in a dispute which has resulted in a sit-in at Brookfield Youth and Community Centre (BYCC) during...
SIPTU condemns Dublin Fire Brigade members being forced to use undermanned appliances
SIPTU members in Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) have raised serious concerns about staffing levels in the service following the confirmation that several fire appliances were sent into operation today (Friday, 6th October) while undermanned. SIPTU Sector...
SIPTU Conference backs call for transparent governance of Section 39 organisations
SIPTU delegates attending the union’s Biennial Delegate Conference in Cork have today (Thursday, 5th October) unanimously backed a motion calling on the Government and Health Service Executive (HSE) to ensure Section 39 organisations adopt transparent...
SIPTU Conference told image of union transformed by women footballers’ victory
The image of SIPTU has been transformed for many young women by the success of its members in the Women’s National Football Team in securing better conditions, the union’s incoming SIPTU Deputy General Secretary, Ethel Buckley, told...
SIPTU conference votes to back referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment
SIPTU delegates voted overwhelmingly in support of a motion for their union to “support the call for a referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment”, at its Biennial Delegate Conference in Cork today (Thursday, 5th October). Proposing the motion on...
SIPTU declares Iarnród Éireann the new frontline in the battle to protect public transport
SIPTU TEAC Division Organiser, Greg Ennis, has declared that Iarnród Éireann is the “new frontline” in the battle to ensure the adequate funding of public transport in Ireland at the union’s Biennial Delegate Conference in...
SIPTU calls for Government to ensure recovery extends to Community Sector
SIPTU representatives at the union’s Biennial Delegate Conference in Cork have today (Wednesday, 4th October) called on the Government to increase funding to Community and Not For Profit organisations in order to ensure workers in these sectors benefit...
SIPTU calls for strong opposition to the extreme right and radical reform of the EU
SIPTU delegates attending the union’s Biennial Delegate Conference in Cork have today (Tuesday, 3rd October) backed a call to strongly oppose the forces of the extreme right and to radically reform the EU in a manner which places the interests of citizens...
SIPTU members support calls to end mandatory retirement age of 65
SIPTU delegates attending the union’s Biennial Delegate Conference in Cork have today (Tuesday, 3rd October) unanimously backed a motion calling on the Government and Health Service Executive (HSE) to give all health workers the option of remaining in...
SIPTU President calls for alliance of progressive forces to prioritise urgent public investment
SIPTU General President, Jack O’Connor, has called for a new alliance to prioritise public investment in housing, health care, and education and to guarantee collective bargaining rights for all workers. Addressing the SIPTU Biennial...
SIPTU launches ‘Your County, Your Youth, Your Future’ local authority recruitment campaign
SIPTU launched the ‘Your County, Your Youth, Your Future’ local authority recruitment campaign at an event today (Monday, 2nd September) in Connolly Hall, Cork City, which was attended by county council workers from across the...
SIPTU says transport minister must intervene in rail dispute before industrial action
SIPTU has called on the Minister for Transport, Shane Ross, to intervene in the Irish Rail dispute before workers are forced into taking industrial action due to management intransigence concerning an outstanding pay claim. SIPTU Sector Organiser,...
SIPTU members commence industrial action at Kerry Group Plant in Listowel
SIPTU members in the Kerry Group Plant in Listowel, county Kerry, have commenced a campaign of industrial action with a 24-hour work stoppage which began yesterday (Tuesday, 26th September) at 10.00 p.m. SIPTU Organiser, John Cooney,...
SIPTU says industrial action in Irish Rail unavoidable without movement on pay
SIPTU members in Irish Rail have stated that a conciliation conference at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday, 27th September) may present the last opportunity for progress on a pay increase before they are forced to...
SIPTU condemns Bus Éireann attempt to blame drivers for service failures
SIPTU has condemned an attempt by the management of Bus Éireann to blame its hard pressed drivers for its own failures in relation to services in the east of the country. In media briefings today, Bus Eireann has claimed that the cancellation of certain...
Launch of new helpline for second-level school students with workplace issues
A new helpline for second-level school students with workplace issues was launched today (Monday, 25th September), at an event in the SIPTU Welcome Centre, 33 Eden Quay, Dublin 1. The helpline is operated by the SIPTU Workers Rights Centre and...
SIPTU expresses concern at withdrawal from service of two fire appliances in Dublin
SIPTU Firefighter representatives have expressed grave concern over the withdraw from service of two Dublin Fire Brigade appliances and the impact that this could have on the delivery of critical emergency services in Dublin. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Brendan...
Congress calls on Government to develop 50,000 social housing units
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions on Wednesday (20th September) called on the government to urgently initiate a major local-authority led programme to generate 50,000 social housing units over the next five years, introduce measures to penalise...
SIPTU welcomes European Court of Justice ruling in favour of Ryanair workers
SIPTU has welcomed a ruling by the European Court of Justice, today (Thursday, 14th September), which is a significant victory for Ryanair workers and a defeat for that company’s attempt to undermine its employees’ rights. SIPTU TEAC...
Congress to Launch Major Campaign on Housing and Homeless Emergency
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions is to launch a major union campaign to press for urgent action on the Housing & Homeless Emergency, on Wednesday, 20th September. The campaign will be formally launched by Congress President Sheila...
SIPTU condemns Irish Rail funding fishing contest while denying pay increases
SIPTU representatives of staff in Irish Rail have condemned a decision by the company to sponsor a fishing competition in Northern Ireland while at the same time refusing to provide workers with a long overdue pay increases. SIPTU Organiser, Paul Cullen,...
Mayor of Fingal attends tenth day of protest in support of school cleaners in Swords
The Mayor of Fingal, Mary McCamley, has attended a protest this afternoon (Wednesday, 13th September) by school cleaners to highlight the loss of their jobs, outside St. Cronan’s Senior National School, Brackenstown,...
SIPTU condemns act of vandalism on ambulance at Mater Hospital in Dublin
SIPTU representatives have condemned an apparent act of vandalism in which the windows of a Health Service Executive (HSE) ambulance, which was parked outside the Mater Hospital in Dublin 7, were broken in the early hours of this morning (Monday,...
SIPTU welcomes call by Minister Zappone for Early Years educators to join a union
SIPTU Big Start Campaign activists have welcomed a call by Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Katherine Zappone, for workers in the sector to join a union which was made at the Kennedy Summer School, New Ross, County Wexford, this...
Wicklow County Council unanimously calls for greater investment in Early Years sector
A meeting of Wicklow County Council voted unanimously to back a call by the SIPTU Big Start campaign for increased state investment in the Early Years sector at a meeting in County Buildings, Wicklow Town, County Wicklow, on Monday (4th September)....
SIPTU calls for extensive fire risk audit in light of deficiencies in school safety standards
SIPTU full-time and retained firefighter representatives have called for the urgent commencement of a comprehensive fire risk audit of recently built public and residential properties following the discovery of deficiencies in safety standards at several schools....
SIPTU supports cleaners protest outside St Cronan’s Senior National School
SIPTU organisers and local politicians were among those who attended a protest today (Thursday, 31st August) by contract cleaners to highlight the loss of their jobs outside St Cronan’s Senior National School, Brackenstown, in Swords,...
SIPTU supports cleaners protest outside St Cronan’s Senior National School
SIPTU organisers and local politicians were among those who attended a protest today (Thursday, 31st August) by contract cleaners to highlight the loss of their jobs outside St Cronan’s Senior National School, Brackenstown, in Swords,...
SIPTU supports protest by cleaners at St Cronan’s National School in Swords
Contract Cleaners are staging a protest to highlight the loss of their jobs outside St Cronan’s Senior National School, Brackenstown, in Swords, County Dublin, tomorrow (Thursday, 31st August) at 8.30 a.m. SIPTU Organiser,...
SIPTU calls for low paid workers to benefit from hotel sector boom
SIPTU has called on employers in the hotel sector to engage in the Joint Labour Committee (JLC) process to ensure that low paid workers in the industry benefit from the increased profits they are generating. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Ed Kenny, said:...