News Archive
Irish Equity calls on TV3 to reconsider postponement of Red Rock
Irish Equity has expressed disappointment with the announcement by TV3, today (Wednesday, 30th August), that it intends to postpone the production of a fourth series of the popular drama show Red Rock. Irish Equity Organiser, Karan O...
SIPTU members in Irish Rail call for pay rises in line with others in transport sector
SIPTU members in Irish Rail have called for pay rises that are in line with those achieved by other workers in the transport sector and have rejected a management attempt to link them to further increases in productivity. SIPTU Organiser, Paul Cullen,...
SIPTU to meet HSE management concerning future of Navan Day Centre services
SIPTU representatives will meet with HSE management on Thursday (24th August) to discuss the future of Loreto Day Centre services for the elderly in Navan, County Meath. SIPTU Organiser, John Mc Camley, said: “The facility was recently closed...
SIPTU Meath District Council commemorates poet and trade unionist Francis Ledwidge
The SIPTU Meath District Council commemorated the poet and trade unionist Francis Ledwidge by unveiling a new sign bearing his image outside the Dan Shaw Centre, Dan Shaw Road, Navan on Saturday, 19th August. The unveiling ceremony was carried out by...
SIPTU launches public awareness campaign on Dublin Fire Brigade crew shortage
SIPTU members in Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) have launched a public awareness campaign to highlight risks to the public and firefighters caused by the failure of DFB management to address serious staff shortages in the service. SIPTU Organiser, Brendan...
SIPTU accuses Society of St. Vincent de Paul management of bullying tactics
SIPTU members employed by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) in shops run by the charity in Cork city and county have balloted for industrial action following a management attempt to force them from their jobs. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Eddie Mullins,...
SIPTU members support Public Service Agreement by large majority
SIPTU members have voted by a large majority to accept the proposals in the Public Service Stability Agreement 2018-2020. Following a count of ballots in Liberty Hall today, SIPTU Vice President, Gene Mealy, said that 76% voted in favour of the...
Tackling Precarious Employment in Higher Education
Following discussions between the Department of Education and Skills and SIPTU representatives, further progress has been made by the union on tackling the issue of precarious employment in the Higher Education sector in the areas of: Administration,...
SIPTU members condemn violence on train to Belfast on Sunday
SIPTU representatives have condemned the violence on the Dublin to Belfast Enterprise train that erupted following the GAA match between Tyrone and Armagh on Sunday (6th August). SIPTU Organiser, Niall McNally, said that the violent clashes between rival...
Update on Congress and CIF meeting
Representatives of the Congress Construction Industry Committee (CIC) met today (Thursday, 3rd August) with members of the Construction Industry Federation. In a letter to CIC unions concerning the meeting Congress Industrial Officer, Liam...
SIPTU welcomes extension of Bausch and Lomb plant in Waterford
SIPTU members at the Bausch and Lomb plant in Waterford have welcomed the unveiling of an extension to the facility which it is anticipated will secure its operation into the future. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Alan O’Leary, said: “Our members...
SIPTU Global Solidarity welcome young football players from Gaza to Ireland
The SIPTU Global Solidarity Committee has today (Saturday, 29th July) welcomed the arrival of a team from the Al-Helal Football Academy in Gaza City, Palestine. The Gaza Kids to Ireland project is an initiative of Gaza Action Ireland to show solidarity...
SIPTU firefighters march in Galway to demand meeting with County Council
SIPTU full-time firefighter members and their supporters marched in Galway City from Galway Fire Station, Father Griffin Road, to County Hall, Prospect Hill, this morning (Friday, 28th July), to hand in a letter demanding a meeting...
SIPTU welcomes RTÉ decision to review gender equality within organisation
SIPTU has welcomed a decision by the management of RTÉ to review gender equality within the organisation as a progressive step that should be followed by other companies. SIPTU Campaigns and Equality Organiser, Karan O Loughlin, said: “The...
SIPTU welcomes publication of report on working conditions in Early Years sector
SIPTU has welcomed the publication this afternoon (Wednesday, 26th July) by the Oireachtas Children and Youth Affairs Committee of a report which calls for better pay and conditions for Early Years workers. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Darragh...
SIPTU calls for Government to remove threat of workplace tribunal fees
SIPTU has called on the Government to amend legislation in order to remove the possibility of a minister introducing workplace tribunal fees following a landmark ruling in the UK, today (Wednesday, 26th July), that finds that such charges mitigate...
Workers Rights Welcome Centre to open in Sligo to assist people with workplace issues
A Workers Rights Welcome Centre, which is open to all workers who wish to ‘drop in’ for information on workplace issues, will open in Hanson’s Retail Park, Cleveragh, Sligo, on Friday, 28th July, at 4.00 p.m....
Big Start campaign delivers Pre-Budget Submission on Childcare to Government
The Big Start campaign has delivered a Pre-Budget Submission on Childcare to the Government, today (Tuesday, 25th July), which calls for greater investment in the sector and recognition for Early Years educators. SIPTU Sector Organiser and Big...
SIPTU welcomes granting of planning permission for extension of Tara Mines
SIPTU representatives have welcomed the decision of An Bord Pleanála to grant planning permission for an extension to the Tailings Pond at New Boliden Tara Mines, County Meath, which secures the long term future of the facility. SIPTU...
SIPTU backs IBEC call for maximum investment in strategic infrastructure
SIPTU has backed a call by the employers’ organisation, IBEC, for the maximum use by the Government of the available funds for investment in strategic infrastructure. SIPTU economist, Marie Sherlock, said: “In its pre-budget...
SIPTU request assurances from HSE management on future of Loretto Day Centre
SIPTU representatives have requested written assurances from the HSE concerning the future of the Loretto Day Centre in Navan, county Meath, following a meeting, today (Friday, 21st July), between management and unions representing...
SIPTU notes progress made in resolving Independent News and Media pensions issue
SIPTU members have noted the progress made in preventing the unilateral closure of the defined benefit pension schemes at Independent News and Media. SIPTU Services Division Organiser, Ethel Buckley, said: “Our members have noted the agreement...
SIPTU welcomes decision not to increase cost of board and lodgings for low paid workers
SIPTU has welcomed the decision of the Low Pay Commission to recommend that there should not be any increase in the amount employers can deduct from workers’ pay for the cost of board and lodgings. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Ed Kenny, said: “A...
SIPTU to meet HSE management concerning closure of Loretto Day Centre in Navan
SIPTU representatives will meet with HSE management early next week to discuss the circumstances surrounding the closure of the Loretto Day Centre in Navan, County Meath, which is understood to be related to the facility failing to adhere to fire...
SIPTU members in Lifford Community Hospital serve notice of industrial action
SIPTU members have today (Thursday, 20th July) served notice of industrial action on the management of Lifford Community Hospital, Lifford, County Donegal, due to its refusal to adhere to a Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) agreement...
SIPTU gives guarded welcome to pay increase for building workers
SIPTU Divisional Organiser, Greg Ennis, has given a guarded welcome to the proposed pay increases for building workers. A 10% pay increase for building workers is among the proposals contained in a new Sectoral Employment Order (SEO) for the construction...
BNM unions say investment announcement does nothing to allay Midlands jobs crisis
The Bord na Móna (BNM) Group of Unions has stated that the announcement by the company that it intends to invest €1.2 billion in its solar, wind and biomass businesses will do nothing to allay the growing jobs crisis in the Midlands resulting from...
Childcare workers deliver ‘Postcards from the Dole’ to finance minister
Childcare workers who are forced to rely on social welfare payments over the summer months delivered hundreds of ‘Postcards from the Dole’ to Minister for Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe, today (Friday, 14th...
SIPTU President says balanced budget is no great achievement
Speaking after the publication of the Summer Economic Statement today, SIPTU General President, Jack O’ Connor, said that the forecast of a structural balanced budget in 2018 should not be seen as any great achievement at a time when major...
SIPTU calls on Government to launch campaign against white-collar crime
SIPTU has called on the Government to launch publicity and enforcement campaigns aimed at tackling white-collar crime which is estimated to have cost the economy more than €2 billion last year. White-collar crime refers to financially motivated non-violent crime...
ITF calls for major overhaul of Irish fishing industry to comply with legal obligations
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has told the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, today (Tuesday, 4th July), that the current regulatory regime for non-EEA migrant fishers, on whom the...
Early Years educators send ‘A Postcard from the Dole’ to the Minister for Finance
Early Years educators in Cork City and County are sending ‘Postcards from the Dole’ to local elected representatives and the Minister for Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe, informing them that they have had to sign...
SIPTU repeats call to Minister Eoghan Murphy to meet Fire Service representatives
SIPTU Fire Service representatives have repeated their call for a meeting with Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, Eoghan Murphy, in relation to necessary changes to fire safety operations following the Grenfell Tower disaster. SIPTU...
Unions present the facts in relation to SEO claim for construction industry
Construction industry unions have issued a joint statement outlining the facts in relation to the claim by the Construction Industry Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions for a Sectoral Employment Order (SEO) for the construction sector. SIPTU TEAC Division...
Football ground in Charleville to be named after SIPTU activist Tim Fitzgerald
The club ground of Charleville Athletic Football Club (AFC) in Charleville, County Cork, is to be renamed to honour the club’s former chairman and SIPTU NEC member, Tim Fitzgerald, who passed away in 2015. Plans for the renaming of their...
SIPTU warns against ‘fake news’ that damages solidarity among construction workers
SIPTU has called for solidarity between and within all grades of construction workers as unions work collectively to secure improvements in pay and conditions through the agreement of a Sectoral Employment Order (SEO) for the industry. SIPTU TEAC Division...
SIPTU members in Cork County Council serve notice of industrial action
SIPTU members in Cork County Council have served notice of industrial action to commence at 8.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 27th June, in a dispute resulting from the refusal of management to recruit more staff. Additional staff are required to adequately deliver...
ITF and SIPTU support ‘Day of the Seafarer’ events in Dublin Port on Sunday
The International Transport Federation (ITF) and SIPTU are among the groups supporting the annual ‘Day of the Seafarer’ events in Dublin Port this Sunday (25th June), which celebrate the importance of the international maritime industry. The theme...
SIPTU calls for trade unionists to participate in Dublin Pride march tomorrow
SIPTU is calling on trade unionists to participate in the annual Dublin Pride march tomorrow (Saturday, 24th June) to show their support for the creation of a better and more equal society in Ireland. The Pride march begins with a rally in St. Stephens...
Statement by the SIPTU National Executive Council on the Proposals for a Public Service Stability Agreement 2018 – 2020
The National Executive Council of SIPTU met on Thursday, 22nd June 2017, to consider the proposals for a Public Service Stability Agreement 2018 - 2020. Having considered the matter in full, we have decided to recommend acceptance of the...
Launch of online petition calling for increased funding for Early Years childcare
An online petition calling on the Government to increase investment in the Early Years childcare sector was launched by the Big Start Campaign at an event outside Leinster House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2, this morning (Wednesday, 21st June). The...
Galway politicians invited to attend seminar on crisis in Early Years childcare sector
Elected representatives in Galway have been invited to attend a seminar on the crisis in the Early Years childcare sector hosted by the SIPTU Big Start Campaign in the SIPTU Offices, Forster Court, Galway, on Thursday, 29th June at 7.00 p.m...
SIPTU seeks urgent meeting with Minister Eoghan Murphy on multi-storey fire safety
SIPTU Fire Service representatives are seeking an urgent meeting with the newly appointed Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, Eoghan Murphy, in relation to his request that local authorities review fire safety in...
SIPTU President calls on Irish Government to work with Cuba despite renewal of US sanctions
SIPTU has condemned the decision of the US Government to renew its sanctions on Cuba and has called on the Irish Government to do all it can to mediate between the two sovereign States. SIPTU General President, Jack O'Connor, said: “It is deeply...
SIPTU demands recognition and respect for Intellectual Disability Sector workers
SIPTU members employed in the Intellectual Disability Sector pledged to step up their campaign to win recognition and respect for the valuable role they play in society, at a symposium entitled ‘A Vision for the Future of Intellectual Disability Services...
SIPTU representatives visit the Dublin Waste to Energy site
SIPTU representatives visited the DWTE site this morning following the serious incident which led to the hospitalisation of eleven workers yesterday. SIPTU Organiser, Jim Sheridan, expressed concern for the health and safety of union members and workers at...
SIPTU criticises attitude of Irish Rail management to legitimate pay claim by staff
SIPTU representatives have strongly criticised the refusal by the management of Irish Rail to accept a pay claim, presented to the Labour Court in late May, for staff at the company who have not had any wage rises for more than nine years. SIPTU...
SIPTU to host public meeting on the ‘Crisis within Childcare’ in Castlebar tomorrow
The SIPTU Big Start Campaign is hosting a public meeting to discuss the ‘Crisis within Childcare’ in the Breaffy House Hotel, Castlebar, County Mayo, tomorrow (Thursday, 8th June), at 8.00 p.m. All those involved with the...
SIPTU wins new deal on wages and hours of work for Security Officers
SIPTU members in the security industry have negotiated a new agreement which will see their pay increase by more than 8% over the next three years and guarantee them minimum working hours. The new Employment Regulation Order (ERO) for the Security Sector was agreed...
Unions welcome return of rights to freelance workers in Competition Amendment Bill
Trade unions have pledged to re-organise freelancers in the arts, culture and media sectors following the passage through Dáil Eireann, this evening (Wednesday, 31st May), of the Competition (Amendment) Bill 2016 which will restore...
SIPTU and Childcare United activists mark International Children’s Day with social media campaign
SIPTU members working as Early Years educators will be taking action on International Children’s Day, tomorrow (Thursday, 1st June), to highlight the staffing crisis facing the sector. The action by SIPTU members is in collaboration with...
SIPTU calls on Government to seize the opportunity to reform health care in Ireland
SIPTU Health representatives have today (Tuesday, 30th May) called on the Government to implement the findings of the Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Health Care Report which outlines a sustainable plan to radically reform the delivery of public health...
SIPTU welcomes announcement by MSD that it intends to create 330 new jobs
SIPTU representatives have expressed support for an announcement, today (Tuesday, 30th May), by pharmaceutical multinational Merck Sharp Dohme (MSD) that it intends to create 330 new jobs in its plants in Brinny, County Cork,...
SIPTU to demonstrate in support of Gender Pay Gap Bill outside Leinster House today
SIPTU has called for public support for a demonstration in support of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (Gender Pay Gap Information) Bill 2017, outside Leinster House, Dublin 2, today (Wednesday, 24th May), at 6.00 p.m. This...
SIPTU President offers condolences and calls for solidarity in response to Manchester bombing
SIPTU General President, Jack O’Connor, has offered the condolences of union members to the families of those killed and those injured in the bombing in Manchester last night (Monday, 22nd May). “On behalf of our union I express my...
SIPTU calls on transport minister to honour his commitment to discuss future of public transport
SIPTU representatives have written, today (Monday, 22nd May), to the Minister for Transport, Shane Ross, calling on him to begin a process of dialogue on the future of public transport in Ireland to which he committed during the recent...
SIPTU President condemns Government’s decision to sell AIB shares as “absolutely indefensible”
SIPTU President, Jack O’Connor, has described the decision by the Government to sell a 25% stake of its holding in AIB as absolutely indefensible, undemocratic and in direct contravention of a resolution of the Oireachtas. He said that the...
SIPTU concludes agreement with CIF on pay increase for crane operators
The SIPTU Construction Sector Committee has expressed its support for an agreement between the union and the Construction Industry Federation (CIF) which has secured payment for two hours ‘greasing time’ per day for crane drivers from Monday, 5th...
BNM Group of Unions to engage with management on future of Littleton plant
Bord na Móna (BNM) Group of Unions members, employed in the company’s peat briquette production facility in Littleton, County Tipperary, gave their representatives a mandate to negotiate with management on the future of the plant at a...
Congress to launch new proposals to tackle housing crisis
On Monday, 15th May, Congress and SIPTU will jointly launch a major new initiative on the current housing and homeless emergency. The document will be launched by Congress General Secretary, Patricia King and SIPTU General President, Jack...
SIPTU members in Bus Éireann vote in favour of Labour Court Recommendation
SIPTU members in Bus Éireann have voted by 53.4% to 46.6% to accept a Labour Court which aims to resolve the issues which caused the long running dispute at the public transport company, in a ballot counted today (Friday, 12th May) in Liberty...
Early Years educators to bring campaign for recognition to Galway County Council
A delegation from the SIPTU Big Start Campaign will meet with Galway County Councillors to inform them about the growing crisis within the Early Years education sector, in the Malt House, Mountbellew, County Galway, on Monday, 22nd...
BNM Group of Unions meet Minister Naughten to discuss Littleton closure threat
Representatives of the Bord na Móna (BNM) Group of Unions met with the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten, today (Wednesday, 10th May) to discuss the threat by the company to close its peat...
South Dublin County Council votes to back SIPTU Big Start Campaign
South Dublin County Council (SDCC) voted unanimously in favour of a motion supporting the call by the SIPTU Big Start Campaign for increased investment and recognition for workers in the Early Years sector at its meeting in County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin...
Wicklow politicians voice support for increased investment in Early Years sector
Several politicians called for increased investment in the Early Years sector at a meeting of the SIPTU Big Start Campaign in St. Peters Parish Centre, Bray, County Wicklow, on Monday (8th May). Among the politicians to voice his support for...
BNM Group of Unions demand removal of threat to close Littleton plant next March
Representatives of the Bord na Móna (BNM) Group of Unions met with management today (Monday, 8th May) and informed it that they will not engage with the company until it has removed a threat to close its peat briquette plant in Littleton, County...
Early Years educators to discuss investment in sector with Wicklow politicians today
Members of the SIPTU Big Start Campaign will meet with TDs and County Councillors to discuss the crisis in the Early Years sector at a meeting in the St. Peters Parish Centre in Bray, County Wicklow, today (Monday, 8th May) at 7.00 p.m. The SIPTU Big...
BNM Group of Unions calls meeting on Monday to discuss plant closure threat
The Bord na Móna (BNM) Group of Unions has called an extraordinary meeting of shop stewards and officials to discuss the announcement by the company, yesterday (Thursday, 7th May), that it intends to close its peat briquette plant in...
SIPTU and NUJ members employed by the ASTI vote for industrial action
SIPTU and NUJ members employed by the ASTI trade union have voted unanimously in favour of taking industrial action, up to and including strike action, in a ballot counted today (Friday, 5th May). SIPTU Organiser, Peadar Nolan, said:...
Early Years educators bring campaign for recognition to South Dublin County Council
Early Years educators, who are members of the SIPTU Big Start campaign, will attend a meeting of South Dublin County Council on Monday (8th May) which will vote on a motion calling on the government to properly recognise and resource their sector. Prior to...
BNM unions do not accept the decision to close peat briquette plant in Littleton
The Bord na Móna (BNM) Group of Unions has stated that it does not accept the decision by the company to close its peat briquette plant in Littleton, County Tipperary, which was announced this afternoon (Thursday, 4th May). BNM Group of Unions...
Acclaimed historical drama ‘Sons of Molly Maguire’ to make Irish premier next week
The acclaimed historic drama, ‘Sons of Molly Maguire’, which is based on the story of Irish immigrants who attempted to resist exploitation in the coalfields of 1860s Pennsylvania, will make its Irish premier run in Liberty Hall...
SIPTU serves notice of industrial action at St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services
SIPTU members in St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services, James’s Street, Dublin 8, have served notice of industrial action, up to and including strike action, to commence on Wednesday, 24th May, in a dispute...
SIPTU supports call for the abolition of mandatory retirement in the public service
SIPTU Health representatives have stated their support for the Employment Equality (Abolition of Mandatory Retirement Age) Bill 2016 which was before the Joint Committee on Justice and Equality, today (Wednesday, 3rd May). SIPTU Health Division...
SIPTU members in Cork County Council serve notice of industrial action
SIPTU members in Cork County Council have served notice of industrial action to commence at 8.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 17th May, in a dispute resulting from the refusal of management to recruit more staff to adequately deliver statutory services. SIPTU...
Fr Peter McVerry to call for public house building programme at May Day rally tomorrow
Homelessness campaigner, Fr Peter McVerry, will call for an effective public home building programme at the May Day march and rally in Dublin, which begins at the Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square, Dublin 1, tomorrow...
SIPTU says non-profit sector report highlights need for workers’ pay restoration
SIPTU has highlighted the findings of a new report on non-profit companies indicating that those employed in them, on average, have lower wages than staff elsewhere in the economy, as underlining the need for pay restoration for workers in that...
SIPTU members at DAA vote against WRC proposals
SIPTU members in the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA), excluding Airport Police and Fire Service, have voted against the acceptance of Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) proposals contained in the Company/Union Framework document in relation to terms and...
SIPTU members in Irish Rail and school bus drivers vote in favour of industrial action
SIPTU members in Irish Rail and those employed as school bus drivers by Bus Éireann have voted in favour of taking industrial action in support of their colleagues in Bus Éireann in a ballot counted in Liberty Hall, Dublin 1, today...
May Day march in Dublin on Monday will protest Government failure on housing crisis
The annual May Day March in Dublin on Monday (1st May) will highlight the opposition of trade unions and housing activists to a Government plan to sell off local authority land to private developers, which they condemn as an ineffective way to tackle the housing...
SIPTU members in St Patrick’s Mental Health Services vote for strike action
SIPTU members working in St Patrick's Mental Health Services, James’s Street, Dublin 8, have today (Wednesday, 26th April) voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike in a dispute resulting from a management decision to cease employer...
Community workers to discuss rebuilding of sector at meeting in Galway tomorrow
Community Sector workers from across County Galway will attend a meeting to discuss the rebuilding of the sector in the Clayton Hotel in Galway, tomorrow (Wednesday, 26th April) at 7.00 p.m. The event is the first in a series of regional meetings of the...
SIPTU members in EPL suspend industrial action to allow WRC process
SIPTU members in Edenderry Power Ltd (EPL), Edenderry, County Offaly, have suspended all industrial action at the plant in order to facilitate engagement at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) aimed at resolving the dispute at the company. SIPTU...
May Day march in Dublin to call for Government action on housing crisis
Social activists will join trade unionists at the 2017 May Day March in Dublin which will focus on a call for Government action to solve the worsening housing crisis in Ireland. The march, that concludes at Liberty Hall, Dublin 1, will begin at the...
MayFest theatre and arts festival in Liberty Hall from 2nd to 11th May
The inaugural MayFest, a celebration of workers’ culture, which includes plays, music events and photographic exhibitions, will take place in Liberty Hall, Dublin from 2nd May to 11th May. MayFest 2017 includes a children’s...
SIPTU seeks meeting with Minister of State concerning Tara Mines future
SIPTU representatives have requested a meeting with the Minister of State for Gaeltacht Affairs and Natural Resources, Sean Kyne, concerning the long-term future of the New Boliden Tara Mines in County Meath. SIPTU Organiser, John Regan, said:...
SIPTU agrees to attend WRC meeting concerning EPL dispute
SIPTU representatives have agreed to attend a conciliation meeting at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) regarding the dispute at Edenderry Power Ltd (EPL), Edenderry, County Offaly, which concerns collective bargaining rights at the power...
SIPTU members ballot for industrial action in St Patrick’s Mental Health Services
SIPTU members in St Patrick’s Mental Health Services, James’s Street, Dublin 8, have commenced a ballot for industrial action in a dispute resulting from a management decision to cease employer contributions to the staff defined benefit...
SIPTU members in Bus Éireann to return to work and consider recommendation
SIPTU members in Bus Éireann have today (Thursday, 13th April) received a recommendation from the Labour Court aimed at resolving the dispute at the public transport company. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Willie Noone, said: “The...
SIPTU members in Dublin Bus vote in favour of industrial action
SIPTU members in Dublin Bus have voted in favour of taking industrial action in support of their colleagues currently in dispute in Bus Éireann in a ballot counted in Liberty Hall, Dublin 1, today (Thursday, 13th April). SIPTU Organiser,...
SIPTU Education Sector activists protest working conditions outside Dáil
SIPTU activists in the Education Sector held a protest outside the Dáil this afternoon (Wednesday, 12th April) to highlight the spread of precarious work practices in the Third Level Education Sector and call for the Government to take action on the...
SIPTU members to hold lunchtime protest outside St Patrick’s Mental Health Services
SIPTU members will hold a lunchtime protest at St Patrick’s Mental Health Services, James Street, Dublin 8, today (12th April) at 12.00 p.m., in response to a decision by senior management to cease employer contributions to the staff...
SIPTU says focus on women’s artistic achievements not dresses at awards events
SIPTU has called for the focus to be maintained on women’s artistic achievements rather than be simply reduced to commenting on how they appear in media coverage of awards ceremonies and other artistic events. SIPTU Campaigns and Equality Organiser, Karan...
Bus Éireann dispute referred to Labour Court hearing at 3.00 p.m. today
The issues in dispute between workers and management at Bus Éireann have been referred to a hearing of the Labour Court which will take place today (Tuesday, 11th April) at 3.00 p.m. This follows talks between union representatives and management at the...
Tara Mines workers end sit-in following resolution of health and safety concerns
Tara Mines workers returned to work at the facility in County Meath on Saturday (8th April) after a six-day sit-in, following the acceptance of proposals on improving the operation of a new underground ambulance system in the mine. SIPTU Organiser, John...
Sit-in by workers in Tara Mines in County Meath enters fifth day
A sit-in by workers in Tara Mines in County Meath has entered its fifth day (Friday, 7th April) as staff in the mine highlight their concerns over health and safety following a unilateral move by the company to change the operation of the underground ambulance...
Early Years educators to attend ‘Big Start’ meeting in Connolly Hall on 10th April
Early Years educators are invited to attend a meeting of the SIPTU ‘Big Start’ campaign for increased investment in the Early Years sector in Connolly Hall, Lapps Quay, Cork on Monday, 10th April, at 7.00 p.m. The meeting will focus...
Early Years educators to bring campaign for recognition to Clare County Council
A delegation from the SIPTU Big Start Campaign will attend a meeting with Clare County Council councillors to inform them of the problems and growing crisis within the Early Years education sector on Monday, 10th April, at 3.00 p.m. Those attending on...
Early Years educators to bring campaign for recognition to Clare County Council
A delegation from the SIPTU Big Start Campaign will attend a meeting with Clare County Council councillors to inform them of the problems and growing crisis within the Early Years education sector on Monday, 10th April, at 3.00 p.m. Those attending on...
Early Years educators to attend ‘Big Start’ meeting in Connolly Hall on 10th April
Early Years educators are invited to attend a meeting of the SIPTU ‘Big Start’ campaign for increased investment in the Early Years sector in Connolly Hall, Lapps Quay, Cork on Monday, 10th April, at 7.00 p.m. The meeting will focus...