News Archive
New SIPTU supported doc on ‘Ireland’s forgotten housing rebellion’
This forgotten rebellion saw over 350,000 tenants across Ireland withhold payments in protest against skyrocketing rents, deplorable living conditions and a lack of basic amenities.
Launch of new SIPTU Gender Inclusive Language Toolkit for Pride
SIPTU launched a new Gender Inclusive Language Toolkit developed by the Union’s National Equality Committee, during Pride week in June.
Uni Europa conference hears Ireland is an outlier on collective bargaining
EU member states with low collective bargaining rates are in the final stages of transposing a Directive strengthening collective bargaining.
Politicians told low pay is driving staffing crisis in Early Years sector
A new survey by SIPTU has revealed shocking realities for Early Years Educators where low wages are leading to stress and burnout which is leading to an unsustainable turnover of staff.
Stronger Together – Standing Up to Racism
‘Stronger Together: Anti-Racism Workplaces and Trade Unions Project’ is a new ICTU initiative to combat racism and champion the contributions of migrant workers in society.
The rise of platform work in the care sector
Yielding to the pressure from gig workers, trade unions and civil society, the European Council adopted in March 2024 a directive to improve the working conditions for platform workers.
We must face down racism in our workplaces and communities
Unity among workers is essential to progress in our workplaces and society. It underpins all we do as trade unionists, our work is based on building collective power and the greatest threat to that is division.
21% pay increase for craft workers employed in the motor industry
SIPTU has agreed a new three-year pay deal which secures a 21% increase in wages for craft workers employed across the motor industry sector.
SIPTU calls on Stryker to engage with the Union
SIPTU representatives have written to the management of the Stryker plant to engage in collective bargaining with its workers’ trade union.
Staff at National Advocacy Service to ballot on proposals to resolve pay dispute
Staff at the National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities (NAS) are to ballot on proposals that emerged following talks between their SIPTU representatives and management.
Launch of SIPTU ‘Our Union, Our Team’ campaign for respect for FAI workers
The ‘Our Union, Our Team’ campaign, which demands that FAI management respects its workforce and engages with them as a collective, through SIPTU, was launched at football grounds during July.
SIPTU welcomes completion of National Radiation Therapist Review Report
SIPTU representatives have called on the Minister for Health to accept the recommendations of the National Radiation Therapist Review Report on adequate staffing levels for cancer services.
Investment crucial to ensure sustainable waste disposal services
SIPTU has called for investment in Bord Na Móna Recycling to ensure the creation of a sustainable semi-state waste disposal service.
Recently released HSE HR Circulars
Latest circulars from the HSE.
SIPTU Support Sector attends NERI Seminar on outsourcing in the public sector
The research seems to demonstrate that the trade union movement has been on the correct side of the argument regarding the outsourcing agenda.
Two Sector Organisers join the Health Division
Sharon Cregan and Shonagh Byrne have recently been promoted to the position of Sector Organiser in SIPTU’s Health Division.
Liberty View – The rise of platform work in the care sector
Yielding to the pressure from gig workers, trade unions and civil society, the European Council adopted in March 2024 a directive to improve the working conditions for platform workers.
Focus needed on the recruitment of radiation therapists
SIPTU representatives have highlighted the need to address the staffing crisis through the progression of the radiation therapy review and the need for a comprehensive strategy for retaining experienced staff.
Collective Bargaining in Care Sector essential to resolving recruitment issues
SIPTU, the Union for Care Workers, has said that collective bargaining rights in the care sector will be essential to addressing low pay and recruitment issues with in-home support services.
Call for employer and union engagement on Disability Services
The ICTU Staff Panel has written to the HSE regarding the change of responsibility for disability services to the Department of Children, Equality Inclusion, Youth and Disability Services.
Talks on local bargaining clause of the Public Service Agreement commence
The current Public Service Agreement provides for a 3% payment under a local bargaining clause of which the first instalment of 1% is due for payment on 1st September 2025.
Campaign to address staffing deficits in Mental Health Services
SIPTU Nursing members are continuing a campaign of highlighting and putting pressure on the HSE and Department of Health to address staffing deficits in Mental Health Services.
New HSE recruitment policy means 2023 vacancies are now lost
The ICTU group of healthcare unions has said it remains concerned over the ability of the HSE to staff its services adequately as it’s latest staffing strategy shows vacancies have been effectively suppressed.
Sunday Read: Ireland’s Forgotten Housing Rebellion
This summer, the CATU is hosting a series of local screenings of the documentary “The Rent Strike” all over Ireland including a major Dublin screening at the Irish Film Institute on Tuesday 6th August at 6.30pm.
SIPTU members disagree with Government’s planned funding model for RTÉ
SIPTU members employed in RTÉ have made clear that they do not agree with the Government’s plan, announced today regarding the future funding of the national broadcaster.
Minister Ryan refuses to meet with Bord na Móna recycling workers
Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan, has refused a request by workers employed in Bord na Móna Recycling to meet with them to discuss privatisation threat.
Safety First for port and docks members
Dublin Port Company has introduced a mandatory Health and Safety and security requirement called the Dublin Port Pass, for all port employees, tenants, contractors and visitors.
Countering the threat of further bus route privatisation
The National Transport Authority intends to reduce the share of bus routes operated by the state-owned Bus Éireann and Dublin Bus to between 60% to 70%
Release of video footage of Limerick bus incident condemned
SIPTU has called for a full investigation into how footage of an incident has managed to be widely distributed on social media.
Time for action on anti-social behaviour on public transport network
SIPTU has long campaigned for the establishment of a dedicated policing service in public transport and arising from recent increased reports we launched our “Respect Transport Workers Campaign”
National Advocacy Service Staff pause Strike Action for talks
National Advocacy Service staff protested outside the constituency office of the Taoiseach, Simon Harris to highlight their demand for a fair pay rise and for Government to respect the Labour Court.
The Laundry Strike
In 1945, women laundry workers went on strike for a second week’s holiday. The strike took place in the summer of 1945 and it lasted over 13 weeks.
‘Our Union, Our Team’ campaign for respect for FAI workers
The ‘Our Union, Our Team’ campaign launched at League of Ireland football grounds this weekend. #OurUnionOurTeam.
Sign up as a Supporter and help our members have fair play and pay.
New HSE recruitment policy means 2023 vacancies are now lost
The ICTU group of healthcare unions has said it remains concerned over the ability of the HSE to staff its services adequately as vacancies up to the end of 2023 have been effectively suppressed.
Dublin Fire Brigade operating with ‘one hand tied behind its back’
Dublin Fire Brigade resources were operating with ‘one hand tied behind its back’ in its response to the major civic disturbance in Coolock in Dublin according to SIPTU representatives.
SIPTU condemns release of video footage of Limerick bus incident
SIPTU has called for an investigation into how footage of an incident where a female bus driver was shot with an airgun has managed to be widely distributed on social media.
Sunday Read: A Tapestry of Hope
The 1913 Lock-out Tapestry was unveiled by President Higgins describing it as an imaginative work of art that connects us. Next month, we launch its online exhibition.
Urgent action on transport safety needed after shooting
SIPTU has called for urgent action on measures to combat anti-social behaviour on our public transport network following the shooting with an airgun of a Bus Éireann driver.
SIPTU welcomes the success of Tara Mines campaign to link Jobseeker’s Benefit to previous pay
SIPTU representatives have welcomed the partial success of its Tara Mines campaign in the form of new legislation which was passed in the Dáil this week.
Demand for Minister to discuss threatened privatisation of Bord na Mona Recycling
SIPTU has strongly criticised Minister Eamon Ryan, for failing to meet with the Union to discuss the threatened privatisation of Bord na Mona Recycling.
Protracted pay dispute resolved at Zenith-Bantry Bay Terminals Ltd
Following a protracted pay dispute which began in 2022 and included a vote for industrial action, a long-term pay agreement was concluded for members in Zenith.
Pay rise and health care coverage secured at Edenderry Power Ltd
A significant pay increase and health policy coverage for all employees in Edenderry Power Ltd following a vote to accept a Labour Court recommendation.
Uisce Éireann two-year pay agreement secured
SIPTU members in Uisce Éireann have secured a two-year pay deal following protracted discussions between the Group of Unions and management.
National Advocacy Service strike action resumes
National Advocacy Service members will return to the picket lines on Monday 8th July following management’s failure to adhere to a Labour Court recommendation.
Ireland’s Productivity Challenge
Productivity is something we should all be worried about. In large part, productivity determines the living standards we all enjoy through wages and through the taxes it generates.
SIPTU calls on Stryker to engage with the Union
SIPTU representatives have written to the management of the Stryker plant to engage in collective bargaining with its workers’ trade union.
Low pay is driving force behind Early Years staffing crisis
SIPTU has published the results of an Early Years survey which shows low rates of pay for workers is the main driving force behind a worsening staffing crisis.
SIPTU calls for Government intervention following shock BD plant closure announcement
SIPTU has called for an immediate Government intervention to protect the local economy in county Louth, following the announcement that BD intends to close its plant in Drogheda
Unions deeply troubled by new pensions Bill for uniformed services
Trade unions representing Prison Officers, Fire Fighters and the Defence Forces have expressed extreme concern with proposed pension changes.
SIPTU launches new Gender Inclusive Language Toolkit
As a Union we stand steadfast in supporting and advocating with our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer members, future members, friends and family.
SIPTU members in RTÉ will oppose attempts to outsource shows to the private sector
SIPTU members employed in RTÉ have committed themselves to opposing any attempt to outsource the national broadcaster to the private sector.
Research reveals productivity gap between Irish domestic economy and European counterparts
Ireland’s productivity problem is not an issue which should divide workers and employers. Increasing productivity raises wages while increasing business prosperity.
SIPTU members will fight the privatisation by stealth at RTÉ
SIPTU members employed in RTÉ are committed to fighting for the future of the national broadcaster following the announcement management is seeking to outsource many operations.
Sky Handling Partner meets with SIPTU at WRC to discuss union recognition
The move follows a successful union organising campaign with Sky Handling Partner staff based in Dublin and Shannon. This is a significant development.
Dublin Airport embraces Trade Union Week
As part of Ireland’s first-ever Trade Union Week SIPTU Aviation Sector activists set up a stall in Terminal 1 at Dublin Airport and used it as an opportunity to talk to workers about the value of joining the Union.
Notable SIPTU pay deals in the Aviation Sector
SIPTU continues to win for its members with a large number of pay deals concluded in 2024 across the Aviation Sector
Aviation Sector well represented at SIPTU BDC
Motions passed by Conference delegates also committed the union to do “all we can to stop hate organising in our communities and workplaces”.
World Police and Fire Games 2023
The event featured 8,500 athletes from over 70 countries in 60 different sports. 2,800 volunteers helped to run the games.
Well attended SIPTU Aviation Sector AGM 2024 addressed by Kane and Ennis
A well-attended SIPTU Aviation Sector Annual General Meeting 2024 took place on the 12th March in Portlaoise with constructive and meaningful discussions on a number of issues.
Aircoach joins the Supporting Quality campaign
Aircoach is a company which engages in collective bargaining with its SIPTU members. It is a service which all SIPTU members can use secure in the knowledge that its staff have the opportunity to organise into our Union.
FAI refusal of employees’ right to collective bargaining to be referred to Labour Court
SIPTU members employed by the FAI have accused the Board of the sporting organisation of hypocrisy by denying them the right to be part of a team in the workplace.
SIPTU members in National Advocacy Service suspend strike after management climbdown
SIPTU members employed in the National Advocacy Service have suspended their strike action over pay and conditions for people who provide vital assistance to disabled citizens.
Election results indicate we should not take democracy for granted
Despite democratic forces in the European Parliament maintaining a majority, the significant growth of the far right is deeply troubling for workers across Europe.
WRC rules on recognition and protection for Shop Stewards in the workplace
The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) has recently recommended that the dual role of an employee and Shop Steward should be recognised and protected by the employer
SIPTU calls for swift government action on worsening situation for public transport workers
SIPTU representatives have called for immediate action by the Government to protect public transport workers from increasing rates of anti-social behaviour.
SIPTU members welcome new minimum rates of pay in the security industry
SIPTU members employed in the security industry have welcomed the announcement by the Government that a new Employment Regulation Order (ERO) for the sector.
SIPTU strongly supports increase in pay rates for low-paid workers
SIPTU have welcomed the Government’s decision in April to increase the minimum rates of pay for work permit holders from outside the EEA declaring it an opportunity to increase pay for all low-paid workers in Ireland.
Respect at Work campaign calls legal protections for workers organising a trade union
Across the Manufacturing Division, we are all too familiar with the problems workers have organising and achieving collective bargaining in workplaces where the employer is hostile toward our Union.
Notable pay deals secured to date in 2024
SIPTU continues to win for its members with a large number of pay deals concluded in 2024 across the Manufacturing Division.
ZIP an Irish manufacturer which is a proud member of Supporting Quality
Ireland’s commitment to environmental sustainability is demonstrated by the Government pledge to achieve a 51% reduction in Greenhouse Gas emissions between 2021 and 2030, and to achieve net-zero emissions no later than 2050.
Members in STERIS Plant in Tullamore call for union recognition
SIPTU members employed by the medical equipment manufacturing company, STERIS, at its plant in Tullamore, County Offaly, have raised concerns with management.
Successful organising drive in THK in Tallaght
Following a successful organising drive by SIPTU members employed by the Japanese multinational mechanical engineering company, THK, in Tallaght, Dublin, a 5% pay increase has been secured.
Call on Stryker to respect OCED recommendation on union recognition
SIPTU has called on the management of the Stryker Plant in Carrigtwohill, County Cork, to respect the recommendations of Ireland’s National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and engage with Union representatives in collective...
Slaintecare Progress Report – Record investment but for who?
It is imperative that the union continues to advocate for a more equitable distribution of resources to all those on the health frontline.
SIPTU secures part-payment of pension on date of retirement
SIPTU has secured the part payment of pensions on the date of a members retirement rather than waiting up to several months for it to be paid.
NEW Early Years MINIMUM rates of pay
The current minimum rates will increase by approximately 5% and will become legally enforceable from Monday, 24th June, 2024.
SIPTU European Elections Hustings
As we prepare to go to the polls, our European election hustings held in Cork, Galway and Dublin offered the ideal platform to election hopefuls.
Long Covid scheme discussed at WRC
The most recent conciliation conference regarding workers with Long Covid took place at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) in early May.
Trade Union Week spreads the good word on collective action at work
Ireland’s first ever Trade Union week took place on the week commencing 29th April. It saw thousands of trade unionists across the island taking part in events and activities.
Recently released HSE HR Circulars
HR Circular 001 2024 Amendments to Department of Health Consolidated Salary Scales for 1.10.2023 HR Circular 002 2024 Domestic Violence Policy and Paid Leave HR Circular 003 2024 Application of 1.2.22 pay adjustments for Sectoral Bargaining Unit HR Circular 004 2024...
Lack of clear workforce plan for National Children’s Hospital creating confusion
The lack of a clear and concrete workforce plan for the National Children’s Hospital is creating unnecessary confusion around the staffing of the facility.
SIPTU Health meets with government officials to discuss Section 39 pay issue
SIPTU provided an update to directly affected members within the Section 39 sector to advise them of progress relating to issues arising from the implementation of a pay agreement
Close contact with a measles case seeks full pay for rostered hours
A member should not attend their workplace due to being deemed to be a close contact with a confirmed case of measles.
SIPTU welcomes long-awaited increase to Early Years workers’ minimum pay rates
SIPTU members employed in the Early Years education sector have welcomed the announcement that increased minimum pay rates will come into force on 24th June.
Podcast: Lively debate on workers’ rights at Galway Hustings
Special Podcast: Listen back to a lively debate on workers’ rights between European Election candidates in Midlands North West constituency.
Putting Union Busting on the political agenda
Respect at Work campaigners are taking conversations to communities to highlight the right to organise a union without fear of discrimination or victimisation.
SIPTU retained firefighters seek urgent WRC meeting on retainer increase
SIPTU retained firefighters are seeking an urgent meeting at the WRC concerning the failure of the Government to follow through on a commitment for a significant second increase to their retainer payment.
CE Supervisors, RSS, TUS and JI pay talks begin
Recent years have seen a major organising campaign by SIPTU for members in these organisations with large public meetings of up to 600 people around the country.
Early Years members welcomed into SIPTU Community Sector at conference
The theme of the conference was ‘Our Union, Our Future’ and the event marked the further integration of these members into the SIPTU Community Sector.
Community Sector AGM calls for more action on wages and organising
More than 80 delegates attended a successful Community Sector Annual General Meeting in Portlaoise to consider the next stages in the campaign by SIPTU members to achieve fair pay and respect for workers.
Sector seeks to develop membership within locally based sporting organisations
The SIPTU Community Sector is currently organising into the Union workers in Bohemian FC. The Sector is seeking to engage with other clubs on the value of union membership.
Major pay improvement secured for members in a NGO
The Union has continued to pursue pay claims for members in Non-Governmental Organisations including a sizable pay improvement.
Unions meet Government on pay issues in Section 39, 56 and 10 organisations
Union representatives returned to the WRC to discuss further pay adjustments following the 8% agreed for members in Section 39, 56 and 10 agencies.
SIPTU members in the National Advocacy Service vote for strike action starts 12th June
SIPTU members employed in the National Advocacy Service, who provide free representation for adults with disabilities across Ireland, have voted overwhelmingly for strike action on June 12th
European Election candidates to debate workers’ rights in Cork today
European election candidates for the Ireland South constituency will debate workers’ rights and what can be done at EU level to improve them at a special hustings in Connolly Hall.
President hails Tressell Festival as a celebration of union culture
Liberty Hall theatre was alive with debate and song for the Robert Tressell Festival which was held on 11th May. A daylong event of debate, drama and music
SIPTU NEC condemns attack on union activist running for election in Dublin
There are many candidates across the country in both council and European elections running on an agenda of anti-migrant hate. Several election candidates are undeniable members of the extreme right.
SIPTU members in Bus Éireann begin all out strike action
SIPTU members in Bus Éireann commenced an indefinite all out-strike action on Friday (24th March) at 12.01 a.m. and placed pickets on bus stations across the country in a dispute over cuts to pay, the casualisation of work and the threat of job losses at...
Housing crisis demands urgent action
Over 1,500 trade unionists and social activists took part in the march, which concluded with a rally outside Liberty Hall. Organised jointly by the Dublin Council of Trade Unions (DCTU) and the National Homeless and Housing Coalition, the May Day...
Unions call for rapid talks on pay recovery
The ICTU Public Services Committee (PSC) today (Tuesday) called for early talks on public service pay recovery following the publication of the report of the Public Service Pay Commission (PSPC), which said “there is a basis for the parties to enter into...