News Archive
SIPTU welcomes Valeant investment in Bausch and Lomb plant
SIPTU has welcomed the announcement today (Wednesday, 25th June) of a major investment in the Bausch and Lomb plant in Waterford by the company’s owners, Valeant. SIPTU representatives attended a meeting today with Valeant Senior Vice...
SIPTU and TEEU Roadstone shop stewards condemn company bully boy tactics
A meeting of SIPTU and TEEU shop stewards at Roadstone Woods Ltd. condemned the bully boy tactics of the company management following its threat to close some of its operations and to place all employees on protective notice. SIPTU Organiser, Davy Lane said:...
Liberty Hall lights up for Dublin’s Pride Festival
In a demonstration of solidarity with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community and to celebrate Dublin’s Pride Festival, SIPTU will illuminate the rooftop of Liberty Hall in rainbow coloured lights on Saturday 21st June. The...
SIPTU HSE Ambulance Service staff to ballot for strike action
SIPTU members in the HSE National Ambulance Service including advanced paramedics, emergency medical technicians, controllers and patient transport service professionals are to ballot for strike action over the refusal by the HSE to implement two binding...
SIPTU serves strike notice on Greyhound Household
SIPTU has served seven days strike notice on Greyhound Household in west Dublin where workers have been prevented from attending work under their current terms and conditions of employment since 6.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 17th June. “Strike notice has been...
Dispute at Greyhound plant in Clondalkin halts waste collections
Greyhound waste collection workers have been unable to work at the company’s plant in Clondalkin since 6.00 a.m. this morning (Tuesday, 17th June) following an attempt by management to unilaterally implement cuts to their wages and changes to their...
SIPTU members strike at Roadstone Woods Ltd
SIPTU members began strike action at Roadstone Woods Ltd facilities across the country this morning (Monday, 16th June) in a dispute concerning an attempt by management to implement major cuts to workers’ wages. The strike action began at 12.00 a.m. this...
SIPTU seeks immediate meeting with Covidien management
SIPTU has requested an immediate meeting with the management of Covidien following the announcement today (Monday, 16th June) that the medical device manufacturer has agreed to be acquired by Medtronic. SIPTU Organiser, Frank Jones, said: “Our...
SIPTU members to ballot on Irish Rail proposals
SIPTU members in Irish Rail are to ballot on fresh proposals for cost saving measures in the company. According to SIPTU Sector Organiser, Willie Noone, the proposals include definitive clarity on exchequer subvention for the rail service for the next...
SIPTU to study Aer Lingus/DAA pensions report
SIPTU has said that it will carefully study the final report of the Expert Panel on the resolution of industrial relations issues in the Irish Aviation Superannuation Scheme (IASS) which was issued today. “The report of the Expert Panel is a complex document...
SIPTU members in Bausch and Lomb accept management proposals
SIPTU members in Bausch and Lomb in Waterford have today (Monday, 16th June) voted by 563 in favour to 157 against to accept cost saving proposals which management has stated will secure the long-term future of the plant. The agreement includes a wage reduction...
Bausch and Lomb talks conclude without agreement
Negotiations between trade union representatives and management of Bausch and Lomb concerning the company’s contact lens manufacturing plant in Waterford concluded this morning (Thursday, 12th June) without agreement. SIPTU Organiser, Alan...
SIPTU welcomes publication of HIQA report on safety risks at University Limerick Hospitals Group
SIPTU has welcomed the publication by Health Information Quality Authority (HIQA) of the report on the safety, quality and standard of services at the University Limerick Hospitals Group. Commenting on the publication of the report SIPTU Sector Organiser,...
Rate of job creation 'too slow' to end crisis
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions said today (Thursday, 5th June) that the current rate of job creation was too slow to make ‘significant inroads’ into, or end the ongoing jobs crisis. Congress Assistant General Secretary, Sally Anne...
Joint statement from SIPTU, the TEEU and Bausch and Lomb management
Union representatives and management at Bausch and Lomb in Waterford have invited Labour Relations Commission (LRC) Director of Conciliation, Kevin Foley, and LRC Deputy Director of Conciliation, Anna Perry, to co-chair talks between the...
SIPTU members in Irish Rail ballot in favour of industrial action
SIPTU members in Irish Rail have balloted by a ratio of 2-1 to support official industrial action in the event that management unilaterally implements changes to their conditions of employment. SIPTU members had recently voted by 51% to 49% against a Labour Court...
SIPTU President says no further need for cuts affecting working families
Speaking today after the publication of May’s exchequer returns, SIPTU President, Jack O’ Connor, has called on the Government to make it clear that there will be no further requirement for cuts affecting working families in Budget 2015....
SIPTU holds positive meeting with local politicians on Bausch and Lomb restructuring plan
SIPTU has welcomed the positive outcome to a meeting held this afternoon (Monday, 2nd June) with local Waterford politicians concerning the threat to pay and jobs faced by workers in the Bausch and Lomb manufacturing plant in Waterford. SIPTU Sector...
SIPTU members to conduct work stoppage at National Gallery on Thursday
SIPTU members will conduct a one-day work stoppage at the National Gallery, Dublin, on Thursday (5th June) in dispute related to the removal of seven annual leave days. SIPTU Organiser, Jason Palmer, said: “The dispute at the National...
Donkey sanctuary workers to discuss further industrial action
Welfare staff working for The Donkey Sanctuary are undertaking a two-hour strike today (Friday, 30th May) before meeting to discuss an escalation of their industrial action at the registered charity based in Liscarroll, Mallow, county Cork. The...
SIPTU Vice President calls for urgent meeting with Minister over Bausch and Lomb job and pay cut threat
SIPTU Vice President, Patricia King, has called on the Minister for Jobs, Innovation and Enterprise, Richard Bruton, to convene an urgent meeting of unions, government and state agencies in response to the threatened job and pay...
SIPTU to seek meeting with Bausch and Lomb over proposed job cuts
SIPTU has called on the Government to redouble its efforts to retain jobs at the Bausch and Lomb/Valeant manufacturing plant in Waterford following the announcement today that 200 jobs are to go at the company. Responding to the announcement, SIPTU Sector...
Latest statement from Paris Bakery workers
“Seven days in, we’re staying strong. Today (Thursday 29 May) workers and supporters will again take our demands to the estate of multi-millionaire company director Ruth Savill in Wicklow. It’s the end of the month: our rent is due, we...
SIPTU expresses full support for Paris Bakery workers
SIPTU Services Division Organiser, John King, has expressed the union’s full support for the workers protest at Paris Bakery in Dublin over the behaviour of their employer in ceasing trading and leaving their workers without thousands of euros of...
SIPTU members in Irish Rail vote to reject Labour Court recommendation
SIPTU members in Irish Rail have today (Wednesday, 21st May) voted by 51% to 49% to reject a Labour Court recommendation issued in relation to cost containment plans at the transport company. Over 1,700 members participated in the ballot which was...
Donkey sanctuary workers disgusted at treatment by management
Welfare staff working for The Donkey Sanctuary have expressed disgust at their treatment by management following its failure to accept union representation at a meeting held today (Wednesday, 21st May) to discuss the ongoing dispute at the registered charity....
Official naming of Rosie Hackett Bridge
A ceremony marking the official naming of the Rosie Hackett Bridge, which spans the Liffey between Marlborough Street and Hawkins Street, took place on Tuesday, 20th May. Those addressing the event included Lord Mayor Oisín Quinn, SIPTU...
SIPTU Meath and Louth District Councils to campaign in support of A&E Services at Navan Hospital
The SIPTU Meath District Council and SIPTU Louth District Council are jointly calling for the retention of full services in the newly built Accident and Emergency Department in Our Lady’s Hospital, Navan. The retention of these services would not only...
Donkey sanctuary staff begin strike action on Monday
Welfare staff working for The Donkey Sanctuary will commence a series of two-hour strike actions on Monday (19th May). SIPTU members will picket the registered charity’s headquarters in Liscarroll, Mallow, Co. Cork, during the actions which are...
Win for Stobart workers
In a significant decision, trucking company, Stobart, has been ordered to compensate eighteen SIPTU members who were denied their rights when they transferred their employment from the food distributor Keelings in October 2010. The Employment Appeals...
SIPTU to hold public meeting over threat to Bus Eireann service in Waterford
The proposal by the National Transport Authority (NTA) to put out to tender 10% of Bus Eireann routes and 100% of Waterford city services by 2016 will be the subject of a public meeting which will take place at 7.30 p.m. in the Tower Hotel in Waterford on Thursday...
SIPTU Vice-President describes cabinet decision on collective bargaining as ‘very positive step’
SIPTU Vice-President, Patricia King, has described the approval by the Government, today (Tuesday, 13th May), of a new law to support the right of workers to participate in collective bargaining with their employers as a “very...
May Day celebrated in Dublin
May Day was celebrated in Dublin with a colourful and musical march from the Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square, to Liberty Hall. Over 1,000 trade unionists and community activists attended the Dublin Council of Trade Unions march on...
Collective bargaining agreed between employers and unions in the Community Sector
An agreement which secures collective bargaining rights for 2000 workers in the Community Sector has been agreed between the Irish Local Development Network (ILDN), the representative body of Local Development Companies (LDCs), and trade unions. The...
Politicians told to fear the ‘grey army’ at launch of Secure Retirement campaign
The SIPTU Retired Members Section on Wednesday, 30th April, launched the Secure Retirement campaign with the aim of organising retired members of the union under the slogan “It’s time for us to take back what has been taken from us.” At a...
SIPTU Firefighters launch campaign calling on election candidates to protect service
SIPTU Retained Firefighters today (Monday, 28th April) launched a nationwide campaign calling on local election candidates to make a commitment to oppose the implementation of measures that will endanger the lives of the public and firefighters. At a press...
SIPTU President Jack O'Connor rejects attempts to pit private and public service workers against each other
In a statement to address any misunderstandings which might arise from a front page article in today's Irish Independent SIPTU President Jack O'Connor rejected any attempt to pit private and public service workers against each other in the matter of pay...
Staff at Donkey Sanctuary to ballot for industrial action
SIPTU members at the Donkey Sanctuary in Liscarroll, Mallow, county Cork, who have been told they will be made redundant on 31st May, are to ballot for industrial action. The decision to ballot follows the refusal of management to engage with...
Cork Young Workers’ Network calls for decent jobs and decent pay
The Cork Young Workers’ Network has called on young people to orgainse in order to campaign for decent jobs and decent pay, following the success of the group’s first meeting on Tuesday (15th April) evening. A diverse group of young workers,...
Wage increases must play a central role in reversing income decline and inequality
Data published today from the EU-wide Survey of Income and Living Conditions (SILC) confirms a stark reduction for Irish workers and welfare recipients in 2012 of 4.6% in the real value of median income i.e. after accounting for inflation. The income of individuals...
SIPTU members at Haulbowline naval base in Cork seek clarity on asbestos
SIPTU members at the Naval Base in Haulbowline in Cork have asked the Department of Defence to provide a medical person with competence in the area of asbestos related diseases and illnesses to answer a series of questions about the nature of their exposure to the...
SIPTU activists welcome rejection of privatisation plan by Kerry councillors
SIPTU activists from the South Kerry Development Partnership and North and East Kerry Development led a crowd of over 300 people in a protest over plans to privatise Local Development Companies (LDC’s) outside the monthly meeting of Kerry County Council in...
Bord na Móna dispute to go to Labour Court
A dispute resulting from a unilateral action by management at Bord na Móna to remove eight workers from the company payroll will be the subject of a Labour Court hearing on Wednesday (16th April). The referral of the dispute to the Labour Court follows a...
SIPTU Irish Rail workers to consider Labour Court recommendation
SIPTU members in Irish Rail will consider a Labour Court recommendation issued today (Friday, 11th April) in relation to cost containment plans at the transport company. SIPTU Organiser, Paul Cullen, said: “This Labour Court recommendation does...
SIPTU welcomes Dublin City Council rejection of Community Sector privatisation
SIPTU has welcomed the passing of a motion at a meeting of Dublin City Council on Monday (7th April), calling on Minister for Environment and Local Government, Phil Hogan, to reject the privatisation of community programmes and services. The...
SIPTU Firefighters to protest outside Dublin City Council at 5.30 p.m.
SIPTU is calling for the public to support a protest by members of the Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) Ambulance Service which will take place outside City Hall in Dublin this evening (Monday, 7th April) at 5.30 p.m. SIPTU Dublin Fire Brigade Convener, Gerry...
SIPTU welcomes deferral of Dublin ambulance service review
SIPTU has welcomed the announcement today (Monday, 7th April) of the deferral of the proposed Health Service Executive (HSE) and Dublin City Council review of the ambulance service in the city. SIPTU Organiser, Brendan O’Brien: “Our members in...
SIPTU clarifies and corrects HSE comments on DFB Ambulance Service
SIPTU has moved to clarify and correct a number of comments made by Health Service Executive (HSE) representatives concerning the Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) Ambulance Service at a meeting today (Thursday, 3rd April) of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health....
SIPTU criticises Varadkar for threatening to withdraw funding from Irish Rail
SIPTU has criticised comments made by Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leo Varadkar, indicating that funding maybe withdrawn from Irish Rail and directed into other transport companies. SIPTU Organiser, Paul Cullen, said:...
Unions condemn removal of Bord na Móna workers from payroll
The Bord na Móna Group of Unions has condemned a decision of the management to implement what amounts to a lockout by removing eight workers from the company payroll. At a meeting of shop stewards from SIPTU, TEEU, and Unite in Tullamore, Co....
SIPTU will defend Health Service whistleblowers
SIPTU will not tolerate the punishment or disciplinary sanctioning of whistleblowers in the Health Service. In light of concerns raised by some workers following the broadcast on Thursday (27th March) of a Primetime Investigates special on the National Ambulance...
Agreement between SIPTU and USI to benefit students
SIPTU and the Union of Students of Ireland (USI) will this evening (Monday, 31st March) announce an agreement between the two organisations that will provide third level students with support in the workplace. The agreement, which will be formally...
SIPTU members in Dublin Fire Brigade concerned by Primetime revelations
SIPTU members in the Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) have expressed concern about revelations concerning the provision and inadequate funding of ambulance services contained in the RTE Primetime Investigates programme broadcast last night (Thursday, 27th March). SIPTU...
Donkey Sanctuary refuses to attend LRC hearing
Management of The Donkey Sanctuary has refused to attend a hearing of the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) to discuss its proposals to make 16 welfare staff at the charity redundant in June. The UK charity, whose Irish operation is headquartered in...
SIPTU says million-euro bonus for Aer Lingus CEO shows contempt for workers
SIPTU has condemned the payment of a bonus of more than €1 million to Aer Lingus Chief Executive Officer, Christoph Mueller, while at the same time the company is refusing to respect the pension entitlements of its workers. The payment of over €1...
Donkey Sanctuary refuses to engage with union in relation to job losses
Management of The Donkey Sanctuary has refused to engage with SIPTU concerning attempts to make 16 welfare staff at the charity redundant in June. The UK charity, whose Irish operation is headquartered in Liscarroll, Mallow, Co. Cork, has...
SIPTU General President expresses condolences on death of Shane MacThomáis
SIPTU General President, Jack O’Connor, has expressed his sincere condolences on behalf of his union at the death yesterday (Thursday, 20th March), of resident historian for the Glasnevin Trust, Shane MacThomáis. Jack...
SIPTU NEC resolves to continue industrial campaign on airport worker’s pension
The National Executive Council (NEC) of SIPTU meeting in Dublin has voted unanimously to reiterate total and complete support for the union’s members and other workers in their dispute with Aer Lingus and the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) over savage cuts in...
SIPTU and the CWU launch social media campaign against racism in the workplace
SIPTU and the Communications Workers’ Union (CWU) today (Wednesday, 19th March) launched an online social media campaign to highlight racial discrimination in the workplace in the run up to the UN Anti-Racism Day 2014 on Friday, 21st March. According...
SIPTU members in Dublin Fire Brigade call for fully independent review of ambulance services
SIPTU members in Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) are extremely concerned at the contents of a document drawn up by the Health Service Executive (HSE) in March 2013 which proposes to remove the delivery of Dublin's ambulance service from Dublin Fire Brigade, by...
Injunction granted to DAA in pensions dispute
A legal injunction has been granted at the High Court in Dublin to the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) which has resulted in the suspension of a planned four hour work stoppage by SIPTU members at Dublin, Cork and Shannon airports which was scheduled for Friday...
SIPTU General Secretary expresses condolences on death of RMT leader Bob Crow
SIPTU General Secretary, Joe O’Flynn, has expressed his sincere condolences on behalf of his union at the death this morning (Tuesday, 11th March), of RMT General Secretary, Bob Crow. Joe O’Flynn said: “Bob Crow was a...
Tax cuts for the rich a non-starter
SIPTU will continue its campaign for pay increases in profitable employments across the economy in order to improve living standards for members, grow the economy and create jobs, Jack O’Connor has said. Responding to a front page article entitled...
SIPTU disappointed at decision to close Baileborough Community Training
SIPTU has expressed disappointment at the decision to close Baileborough Community Training, Baileborough, Co. Cavan. On Friday, 7th March, staff at Baileborough Community Training were told that the centre would close on Wednesday, 30th...
SIPTU seeks urgent meeting with Bristol-Myers Squibb management
SIPTU has requested an urgent meeting with the management of Bristol-Myers Squibb following an announcement this afternoon (Thursday, 6th March) that the pharmaceutical company is seeking 30 redundancies at its manufacturing plant in Swords, Co. Dublin....
SIPTU calls for suspension of Review of Dublin Ambulance Services
SIPTU has called on the Dublin City Manager, Owen Keegan, to comply with an Emergency Motion passed by Dublin City Councillors on Monday, 3rd March, seeking the suspension of a Review of Dublin Ambulance Services. SIPTU Organiser, Brendan...
ICTU Women’s Conference calls for immediate release of Margaretta D’Arcy
Delegates at the ICTU Women’s Conference have overwhelmingly backed an emergency motion calling for the immediate release of 79-year-old peace campaigner Margaretta D’Arcy on humanitarian grounds. The conference in Whites Hotel, Wexford, heard...
SIPTU condemns UK Government refusal of visa to René González
The SIPTU Cuban Solidarity Forum has condemned the decision of the UK Government to refuse a visa for former political prisoner René González to attend an International Commission of Inquiry into the case of the Cuban Five to be held in London on...
SIPTU to fully co-operate with expert panel on DAA and Aer Lingus pension dispute
SIPTU members in the Pension Committees at Aer Lingus and the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) have decided unanimously to co-operate with the four person expert panel appointed by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport to investigate the pensions dispute...
SIPTU warns Irish Water over non-compliance by contractors
SIPTU has warned Irish Water that several main contractors and sub-contractors working on its Water Meter Installation programme are not honouring agreements in relation to rates of pay and other benefits due to workers. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Martin...
SIPTU condemns Minister Varadkar’s “spin” against Irish Rail
SIPTU has strongly condemned Minister for Transport, Leo Varadkar, for using “spin and misinformation” in an attempt to undermine Irish Rail and its employees during an appearance on RTE’s Primetime last night (Thursday, 27th...
SIPTU calls for review of school building programme complaints procedure
SIPTU has called on the Department of Education and Skills (DES) to undertake a review of the access provided to trade union organisers to school building sites and its complaints procedure, in order to counter a worrying level of non-compliance by building...
SIPTU says employment growth indicates recovering economy but wages remain flat
The strong growth in the numbers in employment, with the seasonally adjusted figure of 59,900 more people in work over the year to the end of 2013, is a sign of economic recovery but concerns remain about stagnant wages, according to SIPTU...
SIPTU condemns appalling treatment of G&K training centre workers
SIPTU has condemned the treatment of workers at the G&K (Gurranbraher and Knocknaheeney) Community Training Centre, Cork, who have been denied their redundancy entitlements and access to personal possessions. The staff were told without any prior...
Unions call for early Referendum Commission to inform Same Sex Marriage debate
SIPTU and the NUJ have jointly called on the Government to establish a Referendum Commission coinciding with publication of the proposed legislation on same sex marriage rather than waiting until the date has been set for the referendum. At a round table discussion in...
SIPTU members in Irish Rail reject LRC proposals
SIPTU members in Irish Rail have voted by 71% to 29% to reject proposals presented by the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) in relation to changes to their terms and conditions of employment, in a ballot which was counted today (Thursday, 27th February) in...
SIPTU serves notice of industrial action at Aer Lingus and Dublin, Cork and Shannon airports
SIPTU has served notice of industrial action on Aer Lingus, the Dublin Airport Authority and the Shannon Airport Authority this afternoon (Thursday, 27th February). This followed the refusal of the companies to engage in meaningful talks or to present...
SIPTU condemns “shameful” privatisation of community programme
SIPTU has condemned as “shameful” a decision by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government to subject the Local Community Development Programme (LCDP) to competitive tendering from 2015. The LCDP delivers job training,...
SIPTU members in Tyndall Institute/UCC vote to accept binding arbitration in dispute
SIPTU members at the Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork (UCC) have voted today (Tuesday 25th February), by an overwhelming majority of 88% to 12%, to enter into a binding resolution process aimed at securing a solution to a dispute...
SIPTU members appalled at sudden closure of G&K training centre on Cork’s north side
SIPTU members and their union representative are to meet tomorrow, (Wednesday 26th February), following the shock announcement of the closure of the G&K (Gurranbraher and Knocknaheeney) Community Training Centre on the north side of Cork city. On their...
SIPTU hosts major event in Liberty Hall to mark LGBT History Month
The SIPTU LGBTQ members’ network is marking LGBT History Month with discussions and a screening of the film ‘Did Anyone Notice Us? Gay Visibility in the Irish Media 1973-1993’ in Liberty Hall on Wednesday, 26th February. A public debate on...
SIPTU to attend LRC talks concerning Shannon Aerospace dispute
SIPTU members and management in Shannon Aerospace, Co. Clare, have today (Thursday, 20th February) agreed to attend talks at the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) concerning a dispute involving the company’s pension scheme. SIPTU...
SIPTU warns over HSE threat to cut funding at St Vincent's University Hospital
SIPTU has warned that the threat by the Health Service Executive (HSE) to withdraw 20% of its funding from St Vincent's University Hospital in Dublin would have a major impact on patient services and on staff in the hospital. In a statement on Tuesday (18th...
SIPTU members picket Tyndall Institute
SIPTU members at the Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork (UCC) are undertaking two one-day work stoppages, today (Wednesday, 19th February), and a week later on (Wednesday 26th February), as part of an intensification of...
SIPTU members at Shannon Aerospace serve notice of industrial action
SIPTU members at Shannon Aerospace, Co. Clare, today (Monday, 17th February), served management at the company with notice of industrial action that will commence on Tuesday, 4th March. The industrial action will start with a four-hour...
SIPTU members at Aer Lingus vote for strike action over pensions
Following a record turnout, SIPTU members at Aer Lingus have voted overwhelmingly to take industrial action, including all out strike, to bring about an acceptable resolution of the dispute on the pension issue. Staff at the airline have been...
SIPTU members at Shannon Airport Authority vote for strike action over pensions
Following a record turnout, SIPTU members at the Shannon Airport Authority (SAA) have voted overwhelmingly to take industrial action, including all out strike, to bring about an acceptable resolution of the dispute on the pension issue. Staff at the...
SIPTU members at DAA vote for strike action over pensions
Following a record turnout, SIPTU members at Dublin and Cork airports have voted overwhelmingly to take industrial action, including all out strike, to bring about an acceptable resolution of the dispute on the pension issue. Staff at the Dublin...
SIPTU welcomes increase in staff numbers at Tallaght Hospital
SIPTU has welcomed commitments from the management of Tallaght Hospital, Co. Dublin, to increase staffing levels in order to ensure patient safety at the facility. SIPTU representatives and their INMO colleagues met with management this morning...
SIPTU members at Tyndall Institute to picket main UCC campus
SIPTU members at the Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork (UCC) will undertake two one-day work stoppages on Wednesday, 19th and 26th February, as part of an intensification of their campaign of industrial action in a dispute of over...
SIPTU members in Irish Rail to vote on LRC proposals
SIPTU members in Irish Rail will begin balloting next week on proposals presented by the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) yesterday (Monday, 3rd February), in relation to changes to their terms and conditions of employment. SIPTU Organiser, Paul...
SIPTU launch major private sector wage offensive
SIPTU General President, Jack O’Connor, has said his union is engaged in a major push for pay increases across the private sector to recover ground temporarily lost during the crisis years. Speaking at the annual Jim Larkin commemoration in Glasnevin...
SIPTU ambulance drivers in fire service welcome Oireachtas committee hearings
SIPTU members in the Fire, Ambulance and Rescue service in Dublin Fire Brigade have welcomed the decision by the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children to hold a hearing into ambulance response times on Tuesday, 25th February. The have also...
Kerry Group shop stewards call for intervention in BCD Travel dispute
SIPTU shop stewards representing workers at Kerry Group plants have called on the CEO of the company, Stan McCarthy, to intervene in a dispute concerning redundancy payments for BCD Travel workers. The dispute results from the continued refusal of BCD...
SIPTU members in St. Leo’s College vote for industrial action
SIPTU members in St. Leo’s College, Carlow voted, yesterday (Wednesday, 29th January), in favour of industrial action in a dispute concerning unilateral changes to their terms and conditions of employment. SIPTU Organiser, Bill...
SIPTU calls on Government and HSE to assist Mount Carmel Hospital workers
SIPTU has called on the Government and Health Service Executive (HSE) to assist workers being made redundant due to the closure of Mount Carmel Hospital, Dublin, in finding new jobs in the Health Service. SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul...
SIPTU and MANDATE welcome reinstatement of Joint Labour Committees
SIPTU and MANDATE have welcomed the news that the establishment orders for the Joint Labour Committees (JLCs) have been signed. The JLCs, once they are formed by trade union and employer representatives under the auspices of Kieran Mulvey, the Chief...
SIPTU calls on Ministers to support jobs and development in rural communities
The SIPTU Local Development Company (LDC) Committee has called on the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Phil Hogan, and the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine, Simon Coveney, to support rural...
SIPTU says apprenticeships offer best prospect to resolve youth unemployment crisis
The ‘Pathways to Work’ plan which was published today by the Government has the potential to deliver certain opportunities for young people but must be developed in tandem with a broader apprenticeship system in order to cultivate viable,...
SIPTU calls on NAMA to assist in sale of Mount Carmel Hospital
SIPTU has called on the National Asset Management Agency (NAMA) to immediately enter into serious negotiations with possible buyers of Mount Carmel Hospital, Churchtown, Dublin, and take into account the cost to the State if the planned closure of...