News Archive
Connolly Commemoration 2017 speech by President Jack O'Connor
We are assembled here today, in the centenary year of the Russian Revolution, to commemorate the heroic figure of James Connolly, trade unionist, labourite, socialist and revolutionary martyr. We are here, 101 years after his brutal...
Proposals for an extension of the Lansdowne Road agreement
This is a summary of the main points of the outcome of negotiations on a proposed extension to the Lansdowne Road agreement for members of SIPTU and other trade unions in the public service. Duration of proposal: 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2020 By 2020,...
Congress proposes creation of all-Island ‘Early Warning System’ to help workers and industries vulnerable to Brexit
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions will today (Nov 2) call for the establishment of an ‘all-island Early Warning System’ to assist workers and industries at risk from Brexit, along with a dedicated Retraining Fund to help those affected. Congress...
SIPTU NEC offers condolences to Cuban people on death of Fidel Castro
Letter from SIPTU General President to Hermes Herrera Hernandez, Ambassador of Cuba to the Republic of Ireland To: Hermes Herrera Hernandez Ambassador of Cuba to the Republic of Ireland Re: Comrade Fidel Castro Dear Hermes, On behalf of the National...
Congress backs ‘innovative, new housing initiative' from One Cork project’
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has backed innovative new proposals to tackle the housing and homeless crisis, put forward by the One Cork project, a collaborative initiative involving 20 trade unions in Cork. The One Cork plan – Housing our...
Unions engage in consultation process with members in Bus Éireann
SIPTU and the NRBU members in Bus Éireann are engaging in an extensive consultation process in advance of any decision on a possible campaign of industrial action concerning the pay dispute at the company. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Willie Noone, said:...
One-day work stoppage by members in CIT Student Services CLG
SIPTU members employed by Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) Student Services CLG implemented a work stoppage and place pickets on entrances to the institute on Wednesday, 7th December. The industrial action resulted from a dispute relating to rates of pay for...
Open recruitment event for nurses and midwives
SIPTU Health is encouraging all Nursing Professionals returning home from abroad for the Christmas holidays to consider retuning to their communities to serve in our public health services. Those interested in the opportunities on offer in the Irish public health...
SIPTU welcomes council motion calling for extra ambulances for Dublin Fire Brigade
SIPTU members have welcomed the passing of a motion by Dublin City Council on Monday (9th January) calling for additional ambulances to be made available to be utlised by the Dublin Fire Brigade. SIPTU Public Administration and Community Organiser, John...
Bus Éireann trade union group call for the Minister to provide leadership
In a joint statement the Bus Éireann trade union group, which includes SIPTU, the NBRU, Unite, TSSA and TEEU, said: “Staff at the state-owned Bus Éireann provide up to 40,000 economically and socially vital...
All-out strike at Bus Éireann if management force changes
The Bus Éireann Trade Union Group, which includes the NRBU, SIPTU, Unite, TSSA and TEEU, have announced an all-out strike to commence on the 20th February to coincide with unilateral cuts to agreed terms and conditions. The Group...
Congress condemns "misleading and irresponsible" claims on clerys closure
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions today (May 12) condemned as “misleading and irresponsible” a claim by employers’ body IBEC that no change in the law is required to prevent another Clerys debacle occurring. Congress General Secretary Patricia King...
Workers Rights Centre open to all workers
A new Workers Rights Welcome Centre, which is open to members of the public who wish to ‘drop in’ for information and advice on workplace issues, has opened in Liberty Hall, Dublin. Staffed by experienced Workers Rights Centre (WRC)...
TASC report finds ‘flexibility’ being imposed on many workers in Ireland
Research published today (Friday, 17th June) by the think tank TASC shows that ‘flexibility’ is being imposed on more and more workers in Ireland across a range of different industry sectors. Enforced Flexibility? Working in Ireland Today analyses...
Congress calls for increased investment to tackle ‘fractured society’
Congress General Secretary Patricia King today (June 27) called for greater levels of investment to tackle the housing emergency and deliver high quality public services, at the National Economic Dialogue in Dublin Castle. She said: "Ireland is one of the...
SIPTU representatives to attend further talks to deal with crisis in mental health nursing
SIPTU nursing representatives will tomorrow (Friday, 22nd July) attend a meeting with the Health Service Executive, under the auspices of the Workplace Relations Commission, in an attempt to resolve the ongoing crisis in mental health nursing. SIPTU...
Historian Emmet O’Connor to deliver Markievicz Memorial Lecture on 2nd September
Renowned labour historian, Dr. Emmet O’Connor, will deliver the 40th Countess Markievicz Memorial Lecture in the UCD Michael Smurfit Business School, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Room C201 on Friday, September 2, at...
SIPTU working on job evaluation scheme for support workers in the health service
SIPTU representatives discussed the planned reintroduction of a job evaluation scheme by the HSE for support grade workers in the health service, which is due to commence on 1st October 2016, at a meeting in Liberty Hall on Thursday, 25th August....
Irish Citizen Army plaque unveiled in Smithfield in Dublin
A plaque commemorating the men, women and young people who served with the Irish Citizen Army (ICA) during the revolutionary period was unveiled outside The Cobblestone Pub, Smithfield, Dublin 7, on Saturday, 10th September. The plaque...
SIPTU signs collaboration agreement with Latvian Ambassador
SIPTU has entered into a collaboration agreement with the Latvian Ambassador in Ireland which is aimed at encouraging more Latvian workers to join and become active in the union. The agreement was signed following a meeting between SIPTU Organiser and representatives...
SIPTU condemns Department inaction over Dublin Bus strike
SIPTU members in Dublin Bus have condemned the lack of interest shown by the Department of Transport and management in trying to resolve the dispute at the company for forcing them to implement a further 48-hour work stoppage, which began on Thursday (15th...
Congress says EU competitiveness boards could cause wage 'race to the bottom'
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has expressed "deep concern" at new EU proposals to establish National Competitiveness Boards that would “inform the wage setting processes” in all Eurozone member states. Congress General Secretary Patricia...
SIPTU President warns against single party Fine Gael government
SIPTU President, Jack O’Connor, has warned against compliancy concerning the threat of a single party Fine Gael Government to “working people or those who depend most on public services.” On the prospect of such a single party...
Trade deal ‘will force privatisation of Irish Water’
International CETA Speaking Tour Monday, 9th November, 7.30pm Liberty Hall, Dublin 1 EU TRADE deals such as CETA and TTIP are a threat to Irish water, public services, food standards, environment and democracy, international...
Trade deal ‘will force privatisation of Irish Water’
EU TRADE deals such as CETA and TTIP are a threat to Irish water, public services, food standards, environment and democracy, international experts will tell a Dublin audience Monday. International CETA Speaking Tour Monday 9th November,...
Call to end ‘if and when’ contracts
SIPTU is seeking action from the Government in relation to so-called ‘if and when’ contracts which have been highlighted as a major concern for precarious workers. Researchers at University of Limerick (UL) found that ‘if and when’ contracts...
SIPTU President warns against single party Fine Gael government
SIPTU President, Jack O’Connor, has warned against complacency concerning the threat of a single party Fine Gael Government to “working people or those who depend most on public services.” On the prospect of such a single party...
'Bogus self-employed' in construction may have cost taxpayer over €600 million
The Irish State could have lost over €600 million since 2007, due to the huge growth in ‘bogus self-employment’ in the construction sector, a new report from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions has revealed. False Economy: The Growth of...
'Bogus self-employed' in construction may have cost taxpayer over €600 million
The Irish State could have lost over €600 million since 2007, due to the huge growth in ‘bogus self-employment’ in the construction sector, a new report from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions has revealed. False Economy: The Growth of...
SIPTU says action needed as study shows half of wealth in Ireland held by top 10%
SIPTU has called for greater action on wealth redistribution after a new study published by the think tank TASC indicated that half of all wealth in Ireland is held by the top 10% of households, with the bottom 50% having only 5%. The study, based on an...
Undocumented in Dublin and New York: Irish man and Filipina woman speak out for the first time in new film
Patrick is from Cork, Ireland. Marites is from Batangas in the Philippines. He lives in New York and works in construction; she lives in Dublin and works as a childminder. On the surface, their lives are very different, but they have a shared story:...
Congress calls for pay rise of 5% next year
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) has said that workers in the private sector of the economy should seek pay increases of up to 5% next year. The private sector committee of Congress said that subject to prevailing conditions in their enterprise workers should...
Congress says plan to force pension trustees to obtain qualifications a 'ploy to disguise industry failure'
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has condemned proposals from the ‘pensions’ industry’ that would force scheme trustees to obtain professional qualifications in order to continue in their role. Congress pensions’ expert Fergus Whelan said the...
TUS Network Manager Position
TUS is seeking to recruit a Network Manager to assist us on delivering our training programme for 2016. The Network Manager will report to the TUS Steering Committee, made up of training representatives of participating trade unions, and will be supported...
NRA Model for Irish Water would lead to privatisation of water services
A National Roads Authority (NRA) type model for the provision of water services and infrastructural development would inevitably lead to increased outsourcing and hasten the privatisation of the water services infrastructure, according to the Secretary of the...
SIPTU and President Higgins welcome home James Connolly’s Green Flag of Ireland
SIPTU representatives and President Michael D Higgins welcomed back to Dublin for the first time in 100 years, the Green Flag of Ireland that was raised above Liberty Hall in the run up to the Easter Rising, at a ceremony at Áras an...
Speech by President Michael D. Higgins at a Symposium entitled “Remembering 1916” in the Mansion House, Dublin on Monday, 28th March, 2016
A Cháirde Gael, Is mór an phléisiúr dom tús a chur leis an gcomhrá seo tráthnóna ar an eachtra ríthábhachtach a bhí in Éirí Amach na Cásca 1916. Tugann sé...
James Fearon
James Fearon was often known as ‘the third James’ in recognition of his role, with Jim Larkin and James Connolly as one of the key founding members of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union. He was born in Newry the son of a mill worker...
Polska Eire Festival 2016
Polish Vice-Ambassador to Ireland Mr Piotr Rakowski, together with Deputy Mayor of Limerick Cllr Gerard Mitchel officially launched PolskaEire Festival in Limerick making it a part of a Limerick 2020 bid. The committee discussed various ways Polish community...
Palestinian refugees commemorate 68 years of displacement as their situation worsens
Palestinians and their supporters in Ireland will commemorate the 68th anniversary of Nakba (‘Catastrophe’) Day on 15th May with a speaking tour by two human rights defenders from BADIL, a Palestinian refugee rights organisation, based in...
Meeting on how trade unions in New Zealand defeated zero hour contracts
New Zealand trade unionists will discuss how they effectively tackled the threat of zero hour contracts in the fast food sector at a meeting in the Unite Hall on Middle Abbey Street, Dublin 1, on Wednesday, 11th May, at 7.00 p.m. Those...
SIPTU NEC appoints Gene Mealy as new union Vice President
The SIPTU National Executive Council (NEC) appointed Gene Mealy as the new Vice President of the union at its monthly meeting today (Thursday, 16th April) in Liberty Hall. Gene Mealy has worked as a full time SIPTU organiser for 29 years ago and has extensive...
May Day to be celebrated in Dublin with rally and social night in Liberty Hall
International Workers’ Day on Friday, 1st May, will be celebrated in Dublin with a trade union march and rally followed by a social night in Liberty Hall. The march organised by the Dublin Council of Trades Unions (DCTU) will assemble at the Garden...
Yes Equailty campaign takes to the road
‘Yes Equality’ took to the road on Wednesday (22nd April) with the launch of its nationwide bus tour that will cover 66 locations in 26 counties over 27 days. The ‘Yes Equality’ bus was unveiled at Dublin City Hall by a team of ‘Yes...
NERI Labour Market Conference in Belfast
The third annual NERI Labour Market Conference will be held in Queen’s University Belfast on Friday, 1st May. This year, the conference is being organised in conjunction with the Centre for Irish Business and Economic Performance at the Queen’s...
Sinn Féin commits to introduction of living wage
Sinn Féin has pledged to introduce a mandatory living wage, of €11.45, if it is in Government after the next election. Launching the policy document, For Decent Work and a Living Wage, on Wednesday, 22nd April, Sinn...
Save our bus services
Bus drivers across the country will engage in four days of strike action during May to defend the public transport service and decent jobs from the threat of privatisation. SIPTU drivers in Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann will conduct 24-hour work stoppages on...
Liberty Hall meeting hears of marriage equality success in Denmark
A meeting of SIPTU ‘Yes Equality’ held in Liberty Hall on Tuesday, 5th May, heard about the success of the introduction of marriage equality in Denmark and the need to maintain the momentum of the ‘Yes’ campaign. Among those...
Students and workers join forces with unveiling of Vote Yes banner over Liberty Hall
The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and SIPTU have joined forces in a show of solidarity between workers and students for the unveiling of a massive Vote Yes – Students for Marriage Equality banner over Liberty Hall. Speaking at the launch of the banner on...
Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann workers to lead Dublin May Day march
Striking Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann workers will lead the Dublin Council of Trade Unions annual May Day march this evening (Friday, 1st May). The march will begin at Parnell Square at 6.30 p.m. and conclude with a rally outside Liberty Hall.The rally will...
Launch of Workers Rights Centre
Earlier this month SIPTU officially launched the Workers Rights Centre, Ireland’s first specialist employment rights ‘one stop shop’ which will provide empathetic and professional advice and representation for individual SIPTU members. This is...
Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann workers lead Dublin May Day march
Striking Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann workers led the Dublin Council of Trade Unions annual May Day march through Dublin city centre on Friday, 1st May. Approximately 100 bus workers in uniform led the march from Parnell Square to Liberty Hall. SIPTU...
SIPTU to attend LRC talks concerning bus dispute
SIPTU representatives are today (Tuesday, 12th May) attending talks facilitated by the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) aimed at finding a resolution to a dispute over plans to privatise 10% of Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann routes. SIPTU Construction and...
SIPTU members in Dunnes Stores satisfied with concession of union’s 3% pay claim
SIPTU members in Dunnes Stores have expressed their satisfaction with an announcement by the company, today (Tuesday, 12th May), that it has conceded a 3% pay claim made by SIPTU and Mandate last month. SIPTU Organiser, Derek Casserly,...
Important update from Nurses and Midwives Board of Ireland (NMBI)
Following SIPTU’s successful campaign of resisting the retention fee increase, the NMBI has released an important update for all nurses and midwives. In the following statement the NMBI refers to a recent meeting with Dr Maura Pidgeon. It concerns the...
Support the Dunnes Stores workers march on Saturday
All SIPTU members are being called upon to join their colleagues and Mandate members employed at Dunnes Stores in a national protest in Dublin on Saturday 6th June. The major national demonstration in support of decent work and a living wage will begin at Merrion...
Welcome move on workers rights
Workers will have the right to force employers to deal with claims on with wages and conditions of employment under new collective bargaining legislation. While the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Bill 2015 would not require employers to recognise unions it requires...
Over 3,000 march in support of Dunnes Stores workers
Thousands of people showed their support for SIPTU and Mandate members employed at Dunnes Stores in a national protest in Dublin on Saturday, 6th June. The major national demonstration in support of decent work and a living wage began at Merrion Square,...
Buses to Dunnes Stores workers protest
Free buses to attend Dunnes Stores workers protest and contact details for bookings Wicklow Arklow, Tourist Office 10.15 Bill Abom - 01 8746321 Newtownmtkennedy, Park Hotel 11.15 Meath Navan,...
Supreme Court overturns High Court judgment in Mohammed Younis case
Former chef Mohammed Younis has been vindicated in a unanimous Supreme Court judgment today (Thursday, 25th June) which upheld a 2011 Rights Commissioner decision – endorsed by the Labour Court – to award him €92,634.42 in unpaid wages and...
Congress says living wage essential for creation of 'properly-functioning economy'
Congress General Secretary Patricia King today (8th July) called for the implementation of a Living Wage as part of wider drive against inequality, north and south of the border. In her inaugural address to delegates at the Congress Biennial Conference...
Employers oppose 50 cent minimum wage rise
Trade unions will continue the fight for the introduction of a living wage of €11.50 following the reported recommendation by the Low Pay Commission of a 50 cent increase in the minimum wage. According to SIPTU president, Jack O’Connor, a 50...
Workers Right Centre recovers €3.9 million for workers during 2014
The SIPTU Workers Rights Centre (WRC) provides information, advice and representation to SIPTU members who find themselves in individual disputes with their employers. Formerly known as the SIPTU Membership Information and Support Centre (MISC), the WRC...
National Demonstration on the public water supply
A national demonstration concerning the future of the public water supply has been called for Saturday, 29th August, at 2.00 p.m. The assembly points are Heuston Station and Connolly Station, Dublin. Participants will then march to O’Connell...
SIPTU to attend Labour Court hearing on Luas workers pay claim
SIPTU representatives will attend a hearing of he Labour Court concerning a claim by Luas workers for a pay increase on Tuesday, 29th September. SIPTU Organiser, John Murphy, said: “We are looking forward to the Labour Court hearing where a...
Workers Right Centre dealt with over 5,600 cases during 2014
The SIPTU Workers Rights Centre (WRC) provides information, advice and representation to SIPTU members who find themselves in individual disputes with their employers. The number of meetings involving WRC advocates directly meeting with workers increased by over...
Trade Union Studies course starting in Waterford on Monday
A Certificate in Business Studies (Trade Union Studies) course will begin in the SIPTU Office, Waterford on Monday, 21st September. The Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) Level 6 course consists of a series of modules, each consisting of 10...
Congress Public Services Committee approves Lansdowne Road Agreement
The Public Services Committee (PSC) of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions has voted to approve the Lansdowne Road Agreement. The deal was approved by an aggregate ballot of the PSC at a meeting on Wednesday 16th September. The Lansdowne Road Agreement extends...
Pay increments restored for Irish Water staff
SIPTU members in Irish Water will receive pay rises following a ruling by the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) on Wednesday (16th September) that the company had reengaged on an agreement with workers on increments. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Adrian Kane,...
Congress offers Government use of training network to assist with refugee programme
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has urged the Irish Government to seek an effective and humane EU response to the refugee crisis and offered the use of Congress training and education facilities across the country to assist with any refugee settlement and...
Congress critical of Minister Bruton's failure to remove Clery's 'legal loophole'
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions on Wednesday (23rd September) strongly criticised Minister Richard Bruton’s failure to close a major loophole in company law that means directors can engineer a firm’s closure to maximise profits and deny workers their...
Right2Change Road Show to discuss principles for a progressive government
The group of unions affiliated to the Right2Water campaign will host a series of ‘town hall’ meetings in the coming weeks at approximately 30 locations across the country. The purpose of these meetings is to encourage public discussion of the Right2Change...
New report reveals poor treatment of migrant home care workers in Ireland
‘Migrant Workers in the Home Care Sector: Preparing for the Elder Boom in Ireland’, published on Tuesday (22nd September) by the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland (MRCI), tracks Ireland’s impending ‘elder boom’ and details the...
Congress Charter campaign 'can win' the Living Wage
Congress General Secretary, Patricia King, said on Wednesday (30th September) that companies who pay the living wage in the UK must ensure their Irish subsidiaries and branches do likewise and go further by pledging support for the Congress Charter for...
SIPTU delegates unanimously back launch of decent work campaign
Delegates at the SIPTU Biennial National Conference have voted unanimously this afternoon (Tuesday, 6th October) to launch a campaign seeking to considerably improve workers terms and conditions of employment across the economy. Speaking in favour of the motion...
New disability strategy a 'building block for workplace integration'
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions on Friday (2nd October) welcomed the launch of the new Comprehensive Employment Strategy for People with Disabilities. Congress Equality Officer David Joyce said the strategy was long-awaited and badly-needed:“It will help lay...
ITF statement on Ankara bombing
Commenting on the bomb attacks on a peaceful pro-democracy and justice demonstration in Ankara, Turkey, on Saturday (10th October), International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) general secretary Steve Cotton stated: “A nation’s...
'Make Youth a Priority' in Budget 2016
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions Youth Committee has called on the Government to “make youth a priority” in the forthcoming budget and introduce measures to tackle both high youth jobless levels and precarious work for those in employment. Speaking ahead...
Alicia Brady remembered
The 101st anniversary of the fatal wounding of Lockout martyr, Alicia Brady, was commemorated on Thursday, 18th December, at an event in Dublin. Organised by the Young Worker’s Network and the SIPTU Dublin District Council the event...
Trade unionists to commemorate Paris deaths
SIPTU members have been invited by the NUJ to attend a commemoration for those murdered this week in Paris at the Dubh Linn Garden, Dublin Castle, on Saturday (10th January) at 11.00 a.m. NUJ General Secretary, Seamus Dooley, said: “At...
Call for pay rises for all workers
SIPTU General President, Jack O’Connor, has called for pay rises for workers across the private and public sectors as the economy makes a faster than expected recovery. In response to the employers' organisation, IBEC, stating that...
MRCI welcome pledge to increase national minimum wage
Migrant Rights Centre Ireland (MRCI) welcomes the announcement by Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, that the minimum wage will increase in 2015. The minimum wage has not risen since 2007 despite the mounting cost of living, such as in transport and rent. Other...
SIPTU Home Helps hold 'Right to Work' protests
SIPTU Home Helps held protests outside three hospitals on Thursday (15th January) to highlight the role they can play in solving the overcrowding crisis in our hospitals. The protests took place outside Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15,...
NERI Director tells economic conference there were alternatives
An international economic conference held in Dublin on today (Monday, 19th January), heard that alternative decisions could have been taken by Government, which would have lessened the impact of the recession on working people, following the...
O’Connor says SIPTU focus is on pay in private sector
SIPTU is focused on its ongoing campaign for pay rises across the private sector, according to the union’s General President, Jack O’Connor. Responding to speculation concerning the establishment of a process of ‘social dialogue’...
LGBTQ workers heartened by Ireland’s first openly gay Minister
The public disclosure by Minister for Health, Leo Varadkar, that he is gay will bring confidence to workers still struggling against discrimination, according to the SIPTU LGBTQ members’ network. Leo Varadkar made the public announcement that...
NERI Director tells economic conference there were alternatives
An international economic conference held in Dublin on today (Monday, 19th January), heard that alternative decisions could have been taken by Government, which would have lessened the impact of the recession on working people, following the...
Congress and Ministers express support for social partner talks
Government Ministers and out-going Congress General Secretary, David Begg, have signaled support for renewed talks between the social partners. At a press conference in Dublin on Monday (19th January), Minister for Finance, Michael...
Dunnes workers being consulted on dispute
SIPTU members in Dunnes stores across the country are being consulted on how they wish to proceed with an ongoing dispute concerning temporary contracts and working hours. In November, a Labour Court ruling urged Dunnes management to engage with staff....
Protest over treatment of Saudi blogger
The National Union of Journalists and Amnesty International held a protest outside the Saudi Embassy in Dublin on Thursday, 22nd January, to call for the release of blogger Raif Badawi. The founder of the 'Free Saudi Liberals' website was...
It’s a Yes from SIPTU for Marriage Equality
Ireland’s largest trade union has joined the growing number of progressive organisations calling for a ‘Yes’ vote in the Marriage Equality referendum which will take place in May. A meeting of the SIPTU National Executive Committee, today...
Patricia King is new Congress leader
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions announced on Wednesday (21st January), that SIPTU Vice President, Patricia King, is to succeed outgoing General Secretary David Begg, when he steps down in March. Patricia will be the first woman General...
Syriza victory in Greece challenges austerity
The Irish trade union movement has welcomed the forming of a new Greek government led by the leftwing Syriza party, following elections on Sunday, 25th January. In particular the Syriza commitment to forcing Euro area Governments to participate in a...
SIPTU calls on Government not to sell Aer Lingus share
SIPTU, the largest trade union in Aer Lingus, has called on the Government not to sell its share of the airline prior to receiving guarantees on the future of the company. Speaking on RTE, SIPTU General President, Jack O'Connor,...
Students for Decent Work Awards 2015
The 'Youth for Decent Work Awards' is fast approaching - 26th February, 2015. The all Ireland second level student video competition run by ICTU's Youth Connect Programme is now in its second year and building on the success of last year's...
Jack O’Connor outlines Ireland’s need for pay rises
The economic recovery can only be safeguarded by pay rises for workers across the economy, is the message from SIPTU General President, Jack O’Connor. Speaking on the Matt Cooper Show on Today FM on Monday (2nd February), Jack O’Connor...
SIPTU to attend NMBI talks
SIPTU has accepted an invitation to enter into talks with the Nurses and Midwives Board of Ireland (NMBI) on Thursday 5th of February. SIPTU Nursing Sector Organiser, Kevin Figgis, said following Minister for Health Leo Varadkar’s recent request that...
SIPTU saddened at death of NEC member Tim Fitzgerald
It was with great sadness that union members heard the news that SIPTU National Executive committee (NEC) member Tim Fitzgerald had passed away on Sunday, 1st February. SIPTU General Secretary, Joe O'Flynn, said: “Tim was a great advocate...
NMBI Board to consider unions’ position on fees
The Nurses and Midwives Board of Ireland (NMBI) is considering a demand that it reverse a decision to implement a 50% increase in its retention fee following a meeting between its senior staff and union representatives on Thursday, 5th February. SIPTU Nursing...
NERI director calls for solidarity with Greek government
The director of Ireland’s leading progressive think tank has called for solidarity with the new Greek government and serious consideration of its proposals for restructuring Eurozone debt. Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI) director, Tom Healy,...