News Archive

TUS Network Manager Position

TUS Network Manager Position

TUS is seeking to recruit a Network Manager to assist us on delivering our training programme for 2016. The Network Manager will report to the TUS Steering Committee, made up of training representatives of participating trade unions, and will be supported...

James Fearon

James Fearon

James Fearon was often known as ‘the third James’ in recognition of his role, with Jim Larkin and James Connolly as one of the key founding members of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union. He was born in Newry the son of a mill worker...

Polska Eire Festival 2016

Polska Eire Festival 2016

Polish Vice-Ambassador to Ireland Mr Piotr Rakowski, together with Deputy Mayor of Limerick Cllr Gerard Mitchel officially launched PolskaEire Festival in Limerick making it a part of a Limerick 2020 bid. The committee discussed various ways Polish community...

Save our bus services

Save our bus services

Bus drivers across the country will engage in four days of strike action during May to defend the public transport service and decent jobs from the threat of privatisation. SIPTU drivers in Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann will conduct 24-hour work stoppages on...

Launch of Workers Rights Centre

Launch of Workers Rights Centre

Earlier this month SIPTU officially launched the Workers Rights Centre, Ireland’s first specialist employment rights ‘one stop shop’ which will provide empathetic and professional advice and representation for individual SIPTU members. This is...

Welcome move on workers rights

Welcome move on workers rights

Workers will have the right to force employers to deal with claims on with wages and conditions of employment under new collective bargaining legislation. While the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Bill 2015 would not require employers to recognise unions it requires...

ITF statement on Ankara bombing

ITF statement on Ankara bombing

Commenting on the bomb attacks on a peaceful pro-democracy and justice demonstration in Ankara, Turkey, on Saturday (10th October), International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) general secretary Steve Cotton stated: “A nation’s...

'Make Youth a Priority' in Budget 2016

'Make Youth a Priority' in Budget 2016

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions Youth Committee has called on the Government to “make youth a priority” in the forthcoming budget and introduce measures to tackle both high youth jobless levels and precarious work for those in employment. Speaking ahead...

Alicia Brady remembered

Alicia Brady remembered

The 101st anniversary of the fatal wounding of Lockout martyr, Alicia Brady, was commemorated on Thursday, 18th December, at an event in Dublin. Organised by the Young Worker’s Network and the SIPTU Dublin District Council the event...

SIPTU to attend NMBI talks

SIPTU to attend NMBI talks

SIPTU has accepted an invitation to enter into talks with the Nurses and Midwives Board of Ireland (NMBI) on Thursday 5th of February. SIPTU Nursing Sector Organiser, Kevin Figgis, said following Minister for Health Leo Varadkar’s recent request that...