News Archive

JobPath proposals 'ludicrous’

JobPath proposals 'ludicrous’

A Government plan to draft in multinationals to deliver services to job seekers – work which can be better provided by the public and community sector – is to be steadfastly opposed by SIPTU. The Department of Social Protection (DSP) proposals will mean...

SIPTU in push for pay increases

SIPTU in push for pay increases

SIPTU is engaged in a major push to win pay increases across the private sector in order to improve living standards and to stimulate domestic demand in the economy. Addressing the annual commemoration to mark the death of workers leader, Jim Larkin, on...

Rise in industrial actions during 2013

Rise in industrial actions during 2013

New Central Statistics Office (CSO) figures show a marked rise in the number of industrial disputes during 2013. Last year there were 12 industrial disputes involving a stoppage of work lasting for at least 10 working days or involving 10 or more workers. The twelve...



The Irish Congresss of Trade Unions is to host a major economic conference on the way forward for Ireland, on Friday April 11. The conference will take place in The Round Room, The Mansion House, Dublin.  'A New Course for Better...

Showcasing your Social Enterprise

Showcasing your Social Enterprise

Involved in a community enterprise, coop, CE scheme or other form of social enterprise in what’s called the “social economy”? If so this will interest you. The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) is involved in an initiative with other...

Pay rises not tax cuts

Pay rises not tax cuts

Pay increases rather than tax cuts are the best way to drive recovery and protect public services according to Tom Healy, the director of the Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI). Addressing a conference organised by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and...

No to further budget cuts

No to further budget cuts

Labour in Government must insist that there will be no further cuts affecting working families or those who depend on public services in the October budget, SIPTU President Jack O’Connor has said. He said the plan for a further €2 billion in cuts or...

SS Hare docks in Dublin

SS Hare docks in Dublin

The arrival of the SS Hare into Dublin was reenacted on Saturday, 5th October, on City Quay. Following its one-day voyage from Liverpool, the ship was met on the Quays by volunteers reenacting the role of the workers and their families to whom the...

Colombia – Free Huber Ballesteros

Colombia – Free Huber Ballesteros

Colombia is the most dangerous country in the world to be a trade unionist. According to UN figures almost 3,000 trade unionists have been killed since 1986. In the first six months of 2013 at least 11 trade unionists were killed. State authorities are directly...

James Byrne commemoration on Sunday

James Byrne commemoration on Sunday

The Bray and District Council of Trade Unions is hosting a wreath laying ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of James Byrne (Secretary of Kingstown/ Dun Laoghaire ITGWU Branch) who died as a result of a hunger and thirst strike during the 1913...

ESB Group of Unions meeting

ESB Group of Unions meeting

The ESB Group of Unions will meet to consider its members recent vote for industrial action in Wynn’s Hotel, Abbey Street, Dublin, on Friday (22nd November). At the meeting a request from the senior management of the ESB to meet with the Group...

More youth training urgently needed

More youth training urgently needed

SIPTU has called on the Government to immediately commence major investment in new State backed apprenticeship schemes in order to prevent the loss of another generation to emigration. “Our young people are experiencing a crisis which will not only lead to many...

Cuts feeding drugs crisis

Cuts feeding drugs crisis

One of the country’s leading anti-drugs campaign groups has called for an “informed public and political debate” on alternatives to a criminal justice approach to drug addiction. This month the City Wide Drugs Crisis Campaign will launch a leaflet...

Farewell to Madiba

Farewell to Madiba

The courageous Dunnes Stores workers whose strike in 1984 highlighted the inhumanity and injustice of apartheid will be present to witness the funeral of Nelson Mandela in South Africa later this week. Three of the former strikers, Mary Manning, Liz Deasy...