Polish Vice-Ambassador to Ireland Mr Piotr Rakowski, together with Deputy Mayor of Limerick Cllr Gerard Mitchel officially launched PolskaEire Festival in Limerick making it a part of a Limerick 2020 bid. The committee discussed various ways Polish community could contribute to the bid and exciting plans were put in place. PolskaEire Festival is an annual celebration of Poles & Irish living together to strengthen mutual relations, celebrate the diversity and integration.  The events run nationwide from 16th to 22nd of May 2016. In Limerick we will be celebrating the festival from 20th May starting with the multicultural event run by the Bank of Ireland on the streets of Limerick. In the evening (6pm at Limerick College of Art & Design on George’s Quay) it is really worth attending a film screening “Solidarity according to women” and a panel discussion with the directors and a screenwriter Marta Dzido & Piotr Sliwowski. The feature-length documentary is a story about some of the brave Polish women whose wisdom, determination and commitment in the opposition movement of the 1980s helped bring about a change of the political reality in Poland. The link between the two aspects of the film is Marta Dzido – a co-director and narrator. Born in 1981, being a symbolic daughter of the Solidarity movement, Dzido makes an attempt at locating and reinstating women who were written out of recent Polish history. On Sunday, 22nd May, you are very welcome to join a family day at People’s Park themed “Rising to Freedom” (12pm – 3pm). It will be a great chance to experience the spirit of rising as you walk through various different themed tents, taste a bit of Polish traditional food, enjoy theatrical performances and make your own family tree. All events are free of charge.