Respect Transport Workers

Everyone wants to feel respected and valued at work.
A survey of transport workers shows growing concern about abuse at work. This is unacceptable.
SIPTU members working in the public transport sector have revealed the extent of the abuse many have to endure at work with 85% saying it was a problem for them and over a third saying it was a “serious issue”.
That is why we are taking action.
Our union is demanding:
- The immediate establishment of the National Transport Advisory Council which has been part of legislation since 2008.
- This Advisory Council was to include unions, public and private transport operators, disability groups and others with an interest in the operation of the sector. The Advisory Council must have direct input into transport policy.
- The development of a unit dedicated to policing the public transport system.
- A ‘Transport Charter’ outlining what is unacceptable behaviour towards staff.
SIPTU members employed within public transport provide a vital service to our communities. They should never be the subject of abuse during the course of their work.
Being union means being part of something bigger. Being union means you’re not on your own.