The RTÉ Trade Union Group (TUG) has called on the public broadcaster to withdraw its unilateral decision to close the Young Peoples Department. The TUG reject the proposition that this is a legitimate or necessary strategy and described it as an attack on the fundamental principle of Public Service Broadcasting. TUG Chair, Shirley Bradshaw, said: “RTÉ announced this decision last night. It came as a bolt out of the blue and was made without any consultation with trade unions. There is no justification for the manner in which this decision was taken and this cavalier attitude to unions and staff only compounds the bad decision.” The TUG has requested an urgent meeting with the senior management of RTÉ. This meeting has now been scheduled to take place tomorrow morning (Friday, 25th November). Following the meeting the TUG and its affiliate unions will consider their options.
RTÉ Trade Union Group demands reversal of decision to close Young Peoples Department
Nov 24, 2016 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2016