Leading figures from Ireland’s major religious dominations and the humanist community attended a service of remembrance for those who suffered during the 1913 Lockout at the University Church, St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin, on Tuesday 12th November. Those in attendance included Joe Armstrong (Humanist Associationof Ireland), Rev. Bridget Spain (Dublin Unitarian Church,) John McCormick(Religious Society of Friends), Maurice Cohen (Irish Jewish Community), Fr.Godfrey O’Donnell (representing all Christian Orthodox Churches), Reverend Dr.Heather M E Morris (Methodist Church in Ireland), Right Rev. Dr. Rob Craig (Presbyterian Church), Reverend Dr. Diarmuid Martin (Roman Catholic Church), Most Reverend Dr. Michael Geoffrey (Church of Ireland). Also in attendance was the Lord Mayor of Dublin, OisínQuinn, SIPTU President Jack O’Connor, General Secretary, Joe O’Flynn and Vice President, Patricia King. In his address, John McCormick, said: "One of the basic tenets of Quakerism is that there is that of God in everyone. The early eighteenth-century Quaker and pioneer of modern Christian socialism, John Bellers, described by Karl Marx as 'a real phenomenon in the history of political economy', wrote: 'The poor without employment are like rough diamonds, their worth is unknown.'"