Sinn Féin has backed the trade union movement’s call for the Government to enact legalislation enshrining the right of workers to collective bargaining and trade union recognition. Delegates at the party’s annual Ard Fheis in Castlebar, Co. Mayo, on Saturday (13th April) voted overwhelming to support a motion calling on the Government to “ensure that the centenary of the 1913 Lockout is marked by enshrining the right to collective bargaining and trade union recognition in law. ”Speaking in support of the motion Kilkenny county councillor and SIPTU organiser, Kathleen Funchion, said: “Legislation must be brought forward to provide for the right to trade union recognition and also real penalties must be put in place for employers who victimise or adversely treat workers for joining a union. “Employers have IBEC, ISME and a whole host of organisations to represent them, let us give workers the same basic fundamental right. Good and fair employers and business owners should support this as it shows respect for those who are the cornerstone of the enterprise." Ard Fheis delegates also supported motions calling for the introduction of legislation which would prevent employers from evading the payment of redundancy by transferring assets between different companies under common ownership; the creation of the offence of Corporate Manslaughter; and for increased Government support for the vital work carried out by community employment schemes.