Delegates voted to endorse proposals aimed at establishing a living wage for workers throughout Ireland at the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis held in Derry last weekend. Sinn Féin Workers Rights’ spokesperson, Senator David Cullinane, welcomed the party’s acceptance of the policy document entitled ‘Decent Work and the Living Wage’. He said: “The fact of the matter is that the gap between rich and poor in Ireland is now four times the OECD average and despite talk of recovery, it will continue to widen. “A living wage is an important tool in the struggle for decent work. It improves the level of disposable income for low-paid workers and also provides vulnerable workers with a degree of dignity and an awareness of the value of their labour.” Speaking in support of a motion calling for security of contract for workers, SIPTU Organiser, Louise O’Reilly, said: “I wholly endorse the call for engagement between [Sinn Féin] jobs and workers’ rights spokespersons and trade unions.” She added: “This engagement needs to happen soon so we can end the misery of precarious employment.”