SIPTU activists will be joining with members in other construction industry unions to protest outside the Irish Construction Excellence awards which are being held in the Mansion House on Dawson Street, Dublin, this evening (Friday, 29th March) at 6.30 p.m. SIPTU Sector Organiser, John Regan, said: “This black tie event is held annually to celebrate ‘construction excellence’ but our members believe there can be no such thing until the widespread practice of forcing workers into bogus self-employment is ended.” He added: “Research indicates that the State is losing out on up to €300 million in tax and PRSI as a result of bogus self-employment arrangements where a worker is forced by an employer to declare themselves self-employed rather than an employee. It also results in workers being denied key rights and safeguards.” ICTU Construction Industry Committee Chair, Billy Wall, said: “As construction unions and construction workers, we would like to take pride in our industry but any talk of construction excellence must be put on ice until the abusive practice of bogus self-employment has been eliminated.”
SIPTU activists to protest outside Irish Construction Excellence awards in Dublin today
Mar 29, 2019 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2019