SIPTU has called for action to revive the economy in order to save a generation from unemployment following the release of Live Register figures that indicate the continued scale of the jobs crisis. SIPTU Campaigns and Equality Organiser, Ethel Buckley said: “The Live Register figures, released by the Central Statistics Office today,  indicate that unemployment remains at 14.6%. The unfortunate situation would seem to be that there has been little improvement in terms of job creation since the onset of the crisis five years ago."The latest figures show that the number of long term unemployed has increased by 3.3% over the last 12 months. It is clear that the only factor which is maintaining the jobs crisis at the same level is the impact of emigration."She added: “Action must be taken now to alleviate the State’s  €64 billion debt burden so that funds can be invested in large scale and effective job creation schemes. Otherwise, a generation will be lost to unemployment or emigration.”“We are calling on the all the people of Ireland to make this message clear to the Government and troika by supporting the nationwide ICTU protests against austerity and the bank debt on Saturday, 9th February. The message of the these protests, which is 'Jobs not Debt’, must be delivered loudly and clearly the troika, the other EU governments and the working people across Europe.”ICTU has organised protests on Saturday, 9th February, in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Sligo and Waterford.