SIPTU has called for greater action from the receivers appointed to the Old Darnley Lodge, Athboy, Co. Meath, to secure new owners for the business and payments due to workers who have been staging a sit-in at the hotel for three weeks. SIPTU Organsier, Martin Mannion, said: “The accountancy firm of McInerney Saunders, the appointed receivers of Old Darnley Lodge, has done little to secure new owners for the business and ensure the workers obtain their rights.”Old Darnley Lodge SIPTU Shop Steward, Eileen Quinn, said: “The manner in which we, the workers, have been treated is completely unacceptable. This hotel is vital to the local community and we believe if managed properly it can be successful. “We are calling upon the receivers to show much greater urgency in their task of finding a new owner for this business, so it can resume its key role in the local community.”The workers commenced their sit-in following the sudden closure of the hotel on Wednesday, 16th January. The management of the hotel gave only one hour’s notice before its closure and since then has been uncontactable to discuss the workers' statutory entitlements, including redundancy pay, holiday pay and hours owed.Accountants have been appointed to oversee the liquidation of Mitrespor Ltd, the hotel’s management company, and a creditors meeting scheduled to take place in the Cavan Crystal Hotel on Tuesday, 5th February. The hotel employs approximately 15 full-time and 30 part-time and casual staff, the majority of whom are SIPTU members.