SIPTU has called on the Minister for Justice, Frances Fitzgerald, to implement a system of compulsory training and procedures for dealing with the threat of so-called ‘tiger kidnaping’ for cash in transit workers. SIPTU Organiser, Brendan Carr, said: “The Minister for Justice must immediately begin the process of making compulsory training and procedures that have been developed for staff to deal with the threat of so-called 'tiger kidnaps'. “While there are compulsory procedures and regulations to protect the cash, the vans and the buildings there are no similar measures in place when it comes to preparing workers so they can do everything possible to protect themselves and their families.” He added: “Rectifying this issue and introducing adequate training and procedures for workers must become a top priority for the Minister. Otherwise cash in transit workers will continue to be vulnerable to horrific attacks such as that endured by a worker and his family today (Thursday, 3rd December).”
SIPTU calls for compulsory ‘tiger kidnap’ prevention training for cash in transit staff
Dec 3, 2015 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2015