SIPTU has called for an immediate meeting with the examiner responsible for Iceland supermarkets in Ireland over outstanding entitlements to wages, holiday pay and redundancy pay. The call follows an abrupt order to close the Waterford store yesterday evening (Tuesday, August 22nd). SIPTU Wholesale, Retail, Distribution and Related Sector Industrial Organiser, Mark Flynn, said: "Workers were informed at 4.30pm yesterday that they had thirty minutes to vacate the premises. Having seen what happened to their colleagues in the Clonmel store, they decided to stage a sit-in. "This is a scandal where a rogue employer is seeking to cheat their low-paid workforce out of monies that they are owed. The company has the protection of the courts through examinership, the workers only have their union. "SIPTU is determined that these low-paid workers will not be abandoned. We call for an immediate meeting with the examiner to secure their outstanding entitlements and ensure a just resolution."