SIPTU representatives have called on the Government to extend emergency legislation to safeguard Jobseeker's Benefit for workers in Tara Mines, county Meath. The union has written to Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys, to prevent any diminution in social welfare payments in light of the company’s commitment to continue to pay the €65 retention payment. Adrian Kane, SIPTU Divisional Organiser, said: "While the commitment to introduce pay-related Jobseeker's Benefit is welcome, this will not help the workers in Tara Mines in the short term.  "The Government urgently needs to step up to the plate and ensure that workers get their Jobseeker's entitlements in line with what has applied for the past thirteen weeks. Failing to do so will be seen as throwing the workers under the bus once again. "He added that the Boliden management has failed to name a date or give an indicative timeframe for the reopening of the mine, following a request by the unions. John Regan, SIPTU Sector Organiser, said: "The miners are calling for political support across the board to ensure that this legislation is introduced immediately. To that end, SIPTU will hold a meeting in the Dan Shaw Centre in Navan next Tuesday evening (October 24th) at 7pm. All local ministers, public representatives and TDs will be invited."