SIPTU has called on retailer Penneys to show fairness to workers following the confirmation that it has awarded a 2% pay increase to most management grades. SIPTU Organiser, Graham Macken, said: “The decision to pay this increase to management grades comes at a time when SIPTU members are awaiting discussions with the company in relation to our claim for a pay increase of 3%. While the company has already rewarded management grades with a 2% pay increase backdated to September 2012 the role played by workers in the continued success of the stores is being ignored."“In Northern Ireland a similar pay claim to that made by our members was granted to workers last year. The failure to show equal treatment to all workers is causing distress to our members and damaging morale.”  He added: “Along with a pay increase we are also attempting to ensure that established average weekly earnings are protected. Workers must be treated fairly in order to ensure the company can continue to be successful.”